Chapter 1 -A bit of history

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14 years ago...
Daddy hurry up" I yell as I run ahead of my father. I wore my favorite pink shirt and ripped coveralls. My red hair tied in pigtails, my ocean blue eyes shining in the sun.
"Roxie slow down" says dad has we enter a large brick building with it huge sign that read " Phoenix Gym” I jump with excitement the push my way through the heavy metal doors to see people everywhere some hitting fighting in the boxers ring, other doing boxing exercises all the equally exciting too me.

" How may I help you?" i look up to see a tall slim rugged man standing in front of us. " I'm "
Ray im here to sign up my daughter, roxie for fighting lessons" answered my father. My father was the same height but not as muscular.
"I'm Brad the teacher here, how old is the child" he says while looking down at roxie. "She is 4 but she is advanced for her age" reply dad with a grin

"we usually don't accept kids under the age of 6 but she can try 1 class and I'll see If she will be able to keep up with the other kids"
"The question is can they keep up with me" i say with a smile on her face.
" very confident for a girl, well we will see about that." snaps brad.
Dad left me with brad while he went to pick up my twin brother Cameron from my grandmother house. Sadly Cameron has no interest in learning how to fight, he rather learn how to bake.

Brad gave me 30 minutes to warm up not sure what that means but I spent my time doing the stretches my dad taught. I also took the time to go to the bathroom and change into my black and pink gym outfit. After went back into the gym I met with brad, he said I had to fight someone to prove I was worth his time.
I'm a 4 year girl standing in front of what looks to be a 10 year old boy i believe his name is Thomas. We stood in front of each other in the middle of the ring. I noticed a few of the men and boys out side the ring watched with amusement.

"alright girl if you can impress me or beat him you can stay" shouts brad
*bell rings*
The boy quickly steps front and throws a punch I was able to block then I ducked down as he threw another punch, while he step front I use my body and push his other leg causing him to use balance and land face first on the mat. I quickly got up to my feet as he rolled onto his back to get up I slammed my knew into his stomach causing the air to get knocked out of his lung, leaving him to gasping for air. He struggled to his feet, I prepared myself to block a hit.
"enough" boomed brad we both froze and look at the him as he walked into the ring. " I'm impressed" he said looking down at me "I will teach you everything I know, if you are willing to learn but you have to promise to give me something in turn when I for it" he said. What did he mean by that, does he want a candy bar to something so without a second thought i looked and said "i promise"

After 2 years of brad teaching me I learned that if you mess up you get hit, if you lose you get hit. I tried telling my dad but he didn't believe me not even after mom left him to be with brad.
Today my dad dropped me off at my mom and brad's house for my biweekly visit, I lived with my father same with Cameron. However Cameron and I rotated weekends on you spent time with mom, some reason she never wanted both of us at the same time. Cameron loved visiting mom and brad, I however hated every second of it.

I begged my father not to leave me, telling him that they were going to take me away from him and Cameron. He didn't believe me, he never does. He just gave me a kiss on hug said he loved me and will pick me up Sunday After he left, brad stuck me with some kind of needle, I was slowly greeted by darkness.
It's been 10 years since brad and my so called mother took me away from my home, away from my father and Cameron.

Everyday is training we are taught everything from to fight, to learning about weapons and how to use them. I hated it here if you step out of line you get beat or whipped. The only good thing about this place is their are 100 other kids some older some younger but its nice not being alone. There are other adult like brad that train us, i despised them all. Except one older lady her name was nana at least that's what I called her, she was like the mother I never had.
I learnt the reason we are here because brad wants power and one of the ways to do so is make a deal with the devil, yep you heard right devil as in red horn and a pitch fork. I thought it was I load of cow shit when I first heard it but no it's real at least that's what him and most the adults believe.

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