Kidnapped and taken to an assassin's training camp leads to Roxie having sell her soul to the devil to save someone close to her. She then became a soul less demon hybrid out for revenge..
Years later after reconnecting with her dad and brother, o...
A/N Hey everyone i am being lazy today so i decide after a speaks i will put a - with the person name behind it so you know who was talking.
Zander POV
After crowley showed up we thought it be best to go back to misfit manor, all the followers left. Misfit and i are currently in the conference room staring at crowley waiting for him to talk.
"Are you going to tell us why death sent you here or are you going to continue staring at zander" -taz
"I already told you I'm here to help you trap roxie but you have yet to tell me how you plan on bringing her angel forward?" Ask crowley
"Zander could dominate her it seemed to work last time, if you need help I'd be more then happy to volunteer." Said taz with a smirk. I growled at him knowing where his mind was heading. He quickly put his hands up in surrender.
"I get what taz is thinking but that won't work for her angel. What if we use torture to bring her angel forward, she could try to pray for relief which could work" asked jules
"You want to torture a person the as been tortured by the devil himself" taz questions sarcastically
"Taz has a point. We can't torture her to bring her angel in won't work. But i could weaken her" - dean
"Let figure out that later, how are we going to get roxie?" Ask mac
"We can get her at the criminal's ball then trap her with crowley trap." -taz
"We shouldn't have to trap her this roxie we are talking about she will just come with us if we ask." -mouse
"Really mouse ask her to come what are you going to do walk up to her and say hey roxie i know you a bitch hybrid now wanting to kill sinners but hey come with us, let your angel bring forward and we will have tea afterwards. Seriously mouse" taz said sarcastically mouse shot him a dirty look
"Okay i get where both of you are coming from but i agree with mouse lets just talk first if that deosnt work then we trap her" i said afew people nobs taz however just shook his head
"Okay the ball is on September 28 what is today date" - mac
"September 5th" m&m, jule, dean and blake said all at once "Okay so we have time for everyone to get a dress or tux and to come up with a plan" i said "I will come with the trap so when you realize your wrong i will catch roxie and say i told you so"- crowley everyone nobs before any one can speak taz opens his mouth and says
"100 bucks says roxie is going to the ball in a leather dress"- taz "i bet 100 she wears a tight red dress"'-jules "Short black dress"- mac "I bet wha ever dress she where will give zander a chubby"- M&M, the others shake there heads not taking place in the bets nana walks in the room "100 says she wear a long black dress" "nana were you eavesdropping"- i asked "Yes, none of you ever fill me in"- nana "Alright all bets are in, let see who wins" - dean says while we all giggle at nana
"I'm not wearing this"- taz "Its looks great"-nana "I look like a fucking goof"-taz "Oh hush. And put a dollar in the jar"-nana "Zander tell nana i look like a hillbilly of hell"taz says handing nana a dollar "You don't need a tux to look like a hillbilly" i said while laughing at taz.
Nana made most if the tuxedos and the women bought dresses. Taz is wearing a dark blue tux with a matching tie and black shirt. Twins are wearing matching black tuxs dean with a dark purple tie and blake with a green tie. M&M wearing a white tux with a black tie and white shirt, cameron ray darco and dean are in regular black tux with different colour ties. Mac wearing a deep red muscle shirt tuxedo of course. And i wear a black tuxedo with a red tie my wear push to one side.
"You did a great job nana thank you" i said with a smile the others joined me in say thanks "Your welcome. Now stay safe and bring my daughter home" said nana i seen ray Flinch slightly at her words " she isn't your daughter, mia" -ray "You didnt raise her and watch her get tore apart piece-by-piece and have to help her put herself together again. Where were you ray? Sure in hell werent looking for her like you claim you did. She may share your blood but She is my daughter" nana said standing her ground against ray
"Okay lets clam down" mac said separating the nana and ray. The girls walk in from down stairs we all stand there in awe. Jule is wearing a dark purple lace semi sweetheart mermaid dress. Mouse is wearing green a strapless georgette gress they are blake and deans dates. My mother and anne are staying home with the kids and oscar. My father is helping set up the ball since him and couple others are hosting the ball. "Did someone call crowley?" I asked jule said yes and that he be here shortly then right on cue a crowley came walking in the manor like he owned the place wearing a black tux and black tie.
"Nana" crowly said bowing slightly and taking nana gand placing a soft kiss of her hand. She glared at crowley and pulled her hand away. "Young man, you man be well mannered but you aren't welcome under my roof"- nana "Still mad i see and im over 300 year old nana" crowley said with a smirk "Yes i am. Your screw up caused roxie alot of pain and trouble."-nana replied. I stepped between them nana then left the room.
"Everybody knows the plan, crowley has the trap" crowley nobs " alright lets go. taz are the limousines outside" i asked "Wait what"-taz asked "Seriously taz did you forget"- mouse "Yes well i thought zander would just bippity boppity boo us there so i didnt get them" taz said with a serious face "Seriously it take a ton of energy just to transport myself" i hissed "Well good thing i ordered the limousines knowing tax would screw up"said draco "Awe that sweet man let guess your daddy paid for them" taz said holding his heart This time i lost my shit and throw a knife at the floor near taz just missing his foot "See and this is why i say roxie is a bad example" taz said emotionless.
"Alright everyone outside to the limos" said ray we all followed him outside. I take a deep breath hoping we are right and roxie will be there. I need her by my side soon.
Unedited 1177 words Sorry its a bit short im still sick. Anyway have a good day🌷
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