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That Same Morning

(Jermaine POV)

Jermaine stares blankly at the breakfast bar, his mind racing with violent thoughts as he tries to determine his sister's whereabouts. His leg bounces more, thoughts of wringing the boy's neck becoming the more dominant image in his mind.

'Jermaine?' a voice calls out, cutting off his imaginary grip seconds before the life drained from his eyes. 'What?' he spits out, not minding his harshness when he sees Ekko's face. 'I guess that means I was right,' Ekko mumbles, rubbing a hand down his face.

Jermaine doesn't reply, his face tightening as he tries to maintain some calmness. 'Look,' Ekko begins. 'I don't know what the fuck is up with my nephew lately.'

'Why'd you let him change it,' he demands, not bothering to listen to whatever story he was beginning to tell. 'He--what?' Ekko asks, surprised.

'You called them, didn't you?'

Ekko says nothing, looking away from Jermaine who chuckles angrily. 

'You think this shit funny? She out there with this nigga, probably falling for his bullshit all over again. You know, I almost lost my sister, my only sister, but you wanna sit up here and put her in front of him like it's funny?'

Ekko starts to speak but isn't given the chance, Jermaine's anger only rising.

'It was bad enough that some promoter think they should be together, I had to fight to keep him from putting Deetranova on the flyer but now, you up here playin' matchmaker when you don't even know what's going on.'

'Look, I didn't,' Ekko attempts. 'You did!' Jermaine yells. Ekko clears his throat, offering a polite smile to the older couple who glances their way.

'You thought I wasn't gonna ask, not find out why the hell they want a broken up couple for a Valentine's Day show?'

'I was just lookin' out for him, I need him to focus and this was the only way he'd listen. It's not like I him back in this, that's what caused all this shit,' Ekko explains.

'So you put him back in front of the girl that supposedly caused all this shit? What sense does that make?!'

Ekko looks around, motioning Jermaine's voice down as more people being to stare. 'She didn't cause anything, I just...I don't know.' He pauses, lowering his voice. 

'Look, I know it wasn't the best thing to do and I told you that yesterday but you can't blame me for what's happening right now. I told him not to, I specifically said stay away from her until this was over.'

Ekko sighs when he sees no falter in Jermaine's staunch altitude. 'I'm not tryna argue about this again, for real, I'm not.'

Silence falls between them for a moment before Jermaine speaks, his voice calmer but not far from his anger. 'I know you probably doin' what you think is best but my sister been in therapy for months just trying to be normal again.'

'If this happens again--no, if anything happens, and my sister gets fucked over by him again, it's me and you, straight up.'

Ekko nods, 'I wouldn't blame you, honestly, I wouldn't.' 

Ekko sighs, leaning back in his chair as Jermaine does the same, the battle over but their discomfort still obvious.

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