Meeting the axis

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'Man I just can't wait to get to the world meeting *HUFF* but I wish Australia would come back and stop leaving me all of his work to do but I know his duty is else where..But at least I can see my buddys, MAN It's been along time since WW2' Tasmania walks along the corridors and stops at a very loud meeting room and sees the sign *World conference room* 'Well this must be it' as she opens the door she couldn't believe her eyes.

"FRANCE YOU BLOODY FROG I'M GOING TO BLOODY KILL YOU!" yelled England " Ohononon~ How could you since you can't even flirt with a lady" said France with a small smirk " OH NOW YOU'VE DONE IT YOU BLOODY WANKER" yelled the outrages England redder than Spain's tomato's *Wacks France on the head* and then the fight cloud appears with body parts seen.

"Ve~ Can-a you stop fighting you-a know Tasmania is coming" said Italy" That's right Italian dude and we need to make her feel welcome since she is taking over for her brother while he is fighting in the war" said America " Yes your right America ve need to show the Australian some respect vhen she comes in" answered Germany.

"Werr guys it's a bit to rate for that since she has been standing at the door for over five minutes now" Japan sighed leaning on the table,  All of the allies and axies stop and look at where she is standing " S-s-sorry if I'm late" Tasmania said 'Man if this is what happens at every world meeting then I have know chance' " That's OK Tasmania dude we only have just started!" America said smiling " *SIGH* So this is what happens at every world meeting you have?" asked Tasmania.

" Sadly Tasmania it is vhat happens every meeting and ve barly get any vork done" huffed Germany "Ha I see why my brother sent me instead of my cousin N.S.W now" Tasmania laughed " Ms Tasmania you get over this stuff very quickry than most new peopre who come to their first worrd meeting" said Japan " Ah you get used to it when you have seen France and England at an ANZAC meeting" laughed Tasmania.

" May I ask what is an ANZAC?" asked Japan " It's the Australian.New Zealand.Army.Corps" "And why was France and England there?" Japan asked again " Well Australia is under the rule of Queen Elizabeth ll(or 2nd) and France was staying with England at the time and wanted to come along" replied Tasmania.

"So either vay they always act like that" asked Germany "Yeah they do well you should know you see them more than me Germany" Tasmania replied " Do a-you make a-pasta Tasmania?" asked Italy "ITALY THAT IS AN IRRELEVANT QUESTION!!!" yelled Germany "*Giggle* calm down Germany it's fine and yes Italy I can make pasta" "YAY! Can we have dinner at your place then!" " Sorry Italy the hotel I'm staying at doesn't have a kitchen" " You can-a always stay with me, Japan and-a Germany" said Italy " Well only if it's alright with them" Tasmania looks at Germany and Italy is giving the puppy eyes to him " Ah alright then Tasmania can stay" " Thanks Germany it will help alot" Tasmania said smiling again and sitting down nexted to Russia.

"G'day Russia I haven't seen you since the cold war when I was helping America" Tasmania said giving her hand to Russia to shake "Privet Tasmania it's been too long" giving her his in return Germany, America, England, France and Japan were all sweating for the out come of the hand shake Tasmania was going to give Russia *Shakes his hand firmly* All of the other guys were relived to see that she was still in one piece.

'Man that girl can give a firm hand shake' thought Russia as she was talking to Italy something that he said started her to laugh and her brown pony tail was moving as she was holding her tummy in the fact she was laughing so hard, this gave a feeling in Russia's heart that he never felt before.

"Well are we just going to talk all day or are we going to talk business" Tasmania said " Ok with that Dudes and Dudett we will start this meeting now first global warming. I think we need a hero! and you know it will be me and all you guys can be my side kicks and we will kick global warming's butt!" said America proudly.

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