Running after Germany who was running after Italy

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"Tasm*HUFF*ania *HUFF* I can't run *HUFF* any more" puffed Japan as he stoped to take a breath Tasmania stopped infront " I think your right my legs hurt" " Werr we have been running frat out for 15 minutes" " Your right again, lets have a brake then we will start running again" said Tasmania as she slumped down nexted to a tree and Japan soon followed.

" Do you think they took Italy with them Japan" asked Tasmania " Werr I think they are taking them to the prace where they have Austraria" Japan replied " That's a rookie mistake then and they knew we would follow" " Yeah your right Tasmania but we have know choice" " Yeah eather way Japan we need to rescue them both" " Yeah and find Germany in the process".

" Well are you ready to go then Japan" " Yeah ret's go!"

~Australia, Italy and Germany~

"Tasmania help me please" said Australia quietly as he looked up at the stone ceilng, " Hey Australia I have a new roomate to keep you company " laughed the guard walking up and opened the door thoughing in a familier Italian man " Ve~ That hurt" said Italy, Australia realised that voice and sat up from his bed and looked at Italy sitting on the floor scratching his head.

"ITALY MATE IT"S GOOD TO SEE YOU" yelled the happy Aussie and jumped up and hugged him " Australia it's been-a long time" said Italy wincing at the strength of the hug Australia put him down and returned to sitting on the bed Italy sat next to him " So what happened Italy" asked Australia.

" Well Tasmania, Japan, Germany and-a I were coming to rescue you but then-a bunch of scary men came and I ran and got carried away then-a Germany was fighting to save me but got pushed down and-a Japan and Tasmania were left fighting" replied Italy " Bloody hell will these people ever give up" mutted Australia " Ve~ When Germany was running after me he was-a captured in a trap and more scary men came and followed in the same direction as-a me".

" Wait are you saying that Germany is here" Australia raised his voice abit " Si Australia " " We'll have to find him" said Australia " Ve~ not to-a burst your bubble but he is in enteragation at the moment " said Italy " OH HELL " yelled Australia " WHAT" yelled the now scared Italy " There going to whip him untill he cracks" " And thats not-a good?" " Nothing about enteragation is ever good Italy we need to get out of here" " But how?" " I need you to work your lady charms".

" Ve~ what are you talking about?" Italy tillted his head in confusion " Remember when you, Germany and myself went to the bar and you started to flirt with the lady bartender to give us free drinks" " Ve~ I remember that night I had the most fun ever..." Italy drifted off remembering the night and was getting a nose bleed " Yeah I know dude Germany and I had to leave because you were that loud".

" I know Germany wouldn't stop-a yelling at me the next day " " Anyway if you can work your charms with the lady guard and get her to give us the keys we could get out of here and save Germany" said Australia " Ve~ Then let me-a work my charms" smirked Italy as he got up from the bed and walked to the bars " Ve~Hello miss...."

~Little time skip~

" Ok Italy lets go" whispered Australia he turned around to find Italy still making out with the lady guard " ITALY!" he whispered louder Italy wasn't paying attention because he was still making out then Australia snaped and grabed Italy by the collar of his shirt, Italy gave a little wave and blowed a kiss as he was being dragged down the hall.

" Ve~ could you have-a given me 10 more-a minutes to get to fourth base" " DUDE WERE RUNNING OUT OF TIME AND YOU WANT TO GO TO FOURTH BASE" Australia raised his voice " Sorry" " It's ok mate I over reacted" " Ve~ then let's go find-a Germany" said Italy as they started to run towards the enteragation room then they heard yells of pain.

" I think that's Germany" whispered Australia " Ve~ I hope he is ok" " Well lets find out and Italy try not to get yourself captured" " Ok" Italy whispered back.

~Germany's P.O.V~

*WHIP* "AAAHHHH" yelled Germany " Tell me where are your little friends" snicked the man with the whip " I vill never tell you" said Germany " You will tell me where your little friends are or I have your little Italian boy hung " " You vouldn't dare touch Italy" " Oh I won't touch him untill you tell me where your little friends are" ' This man must be bluffing but he has been at this for so long and by body can't take much more pain and I can't bare the thought of Italy being hung' " Fine I vill tell you" " Hahaha I new you would brake when I threatened your lover" Germany's face grew red " HE IS NOT MY LOVER YOU MISTSTUCK!". 

" Woh dude carm down their is no reason to call be a bitch" " YOU CALLED ME GAY" yelled Germany " Dude you can tell you care alot about him" " WE"RE JUST FRIENDS" yelled the now angery German then all of a sudden " WHERE HERE TO SAVE-A YOU GERMANY!" yelled Italy as Australia kicked down the door " Mate what did I tell you about being suttle" " Sorry" said Italy.

Germany looked up to see Italy and Australia walking in " Ok now mate give me the whip and no one get's hurt" said Australia threatening " Dude you will regreat that you ever said that" and then the man with the whip ran towards Australia and though a punch but Australia dodged it and kneed him in the side, " Germany we have-a come to rescue you" said Italy as he undid the rope around Germany " Thanks Italy" " Oh and Germany I don't really care if your gay or not" said Italy smiling " Thanks Italy now lets help Australia" as Germany stood up he yelped in pain.

" Ve~ Germany it look's like you have-a sprained your ankle" Italy gave him a worring look " Can I lean on you to help me valk?" Germany asked " Sure" Italy replied and Germany slowly stood up and leaned on Italy for support, " Australia do you..." Germany stutted at the end of his sentance because he saw Australia tying the man up with his own whip.

" Ok mates lets go" Australia said and helped Italy with Germany and fasted walked out the door but they were soon hit on the heads by the butt of a gun " Silly fools think it's that easy to escape from me" laughed the evil man.



write more soon bye!

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