The next day......

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*YAWN* Tasmania got up from the couch and put the pillow and blanket away and got changed and did her hair and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast, While she was doing this she heard another yawn and Germany came into the room, " Guten Morgen Tasmania" he said as sat down at the table " Good morning to you to" she said " Have a good sleep?" Germany asked as she sat down with her cereal.

" Yeah my back is a little sore but other than that I had a good nights sleep what about you?" she said in return" Vell I vas having a good sleep untill I had to pee and the floor vas cold and made my feet cold" me mutted " Haha don't worry just put some slippers on" " I don't have any" he said " Wait here" as she slirped down the rest of her cereal she got up and walked into the kitchen and chucked her bowl into the sink and opened a cupboard and pulled a pair of blue slippers out.

" Here " she said giving the slippers to Germany " Now you won't get cold feet" she said kindly before she looked at the clock " Thanks Tasmania" " No problem well I better go now BYE" she said then she turned for the door and left, When she did Japan came out in his pj's " Ohayo Germany" Japan yawned and helped himself to a bowl of cereal and sat nexted to him.

" Guten Morgen Japan" he said bluntly " Um...Germany can I ask you something?" Japan said nervosly " Yes ask away " " Werr you see I think I might have a crush on someone" he blurted out " Germany turned to face his japanese friend with a shocked look on his face " REALLY IT"S ABOUT TIME YOU CAME OUT OF THE CLOSET" he yelled, the startled Japan looked him in the face with a worried look " What are you tarking about Germany?".

" About you being gay seriously it's about time" Germany replied " Wait WHAT YOU THOUGHT I WAS GAY" he yelled back in shock " Wait" Germany said " Your not gay" " Obviesry Germany why would I be gay when I rike Tasmania" " Vell- VHAT YOU LIKE HER YOU KNOW AUSTRALIA IS GOING TO FLIP OUT IF HE FINDS OUT HE IS VERY PROTECTIVE OF HER! Vell never mind it is your life on the line anyvay back to topic it's said that one in three males are gay".

" Werr you or Itary could be gay" Japan replied

Germany thought this over " Vell you coul- VAIT ARE YOU SAYING I'M GAY VHEN I'M NOT" yelled the red Germany " Werr you do hang around with Itary a bit to much and you do ret him sreep in your bed" said Japan and with that the very red Germany sat up and left the room, ' Man Germany just acepted it your gay for Itary' thought Japan.

Japan's thoughts were startled when a knock came from the door, " HEY TASMANIA'S FRIENDS IT'S ME IVIE I'M HERE TO TAKE YOU THREE SIGHT SEEING" a very heavy aussie accent of a girl said, Japan got up from where he was sitting and walked to the door still in his pj's and opened the door " Herro you must be Ivie" said Japan quietly " G'day there yes i'm Ivie and you are?" " I'm Japan" he said as he let the red-headed girl in.

" Nice to meet you Japan can you tell the other two to get ready and we will be off" Ivie said before she sat on the couch " Ok" Japan replied and went to tell the others.

~ Time skip by a red rose......... ;D~

" And that over there is were Ned Kelly's last stand was " said Ivie as they were walking the roads of Glenrowen, " Ve~ This is amazing" said Italy and he walked along the path next to Germany who was still red from this mornings gay talk, 'Could I really be gay' Germany thought as he looked at Italy ' Vell could be I have kissed Italy before but he wouldn't remember that back then I was the holy roman empire' Germany looked away from Italy and looked at Ivie the girl that was showing them around.

'She is very pretty' (BTW Ivie is wearing a white scarf and she has green eyes) 'Vell there could be the chance that i'm bisexual' he thought, " Ok now here is the Ned Kelly statue " Ivie said as she pointed to the large wooden carving of Ned Kelly " Wow that is-a hugh" Italy said " Um Ivie can you take a picture with all three of us in front of the statue" said Japan handing her a camara " Sure thing Japan".

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