A happy ending!!!!

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Tasmania's P.O.V

"NNNOOOO.....I really needed that phone number" I hear footsteps running and the door slam open as I look up to see Japan "Tasmania is everything ok I heard you scream" "No i'm fine I just didn't get the phone number of Antarctica's gardener".

He sighed "Oh I thought you were in troubre" he smiled and sat down on the bed I was sitting on "What happened?" he giggled "Austraria's Koara contacted the Arries and they came to our rescue" "Hahahaha man that Koala is smart".

"But Tasmania I rearry owe you my rife" he looked down "I-I was scared for you....a-and you saved me, when you passed out because of the rack of brood I thought you were gone" I saw his tears drip down and land on the bed.

"Japan...." I gently grabbed his chin making him look up "You will never lose me" and I pressed my lips onto his. I feel him pull me closer by my waist and he pulls back breaking the kiss "Oh Tasmania I've missed you and I'm glad I have you" he snuggled into my neck and I hugged him back.

And at this moment I new I had my partner for life.

~Time skip a few months after~

Normal P.O.V

"We need to do this and that to get this to work that's why I need you to do this and that to get the result we and our bosses need" Australia projected "Ja but vhy does Italy have to cook the pasta?" Germany adds "Well who else is going to cook".

"I could" England piped up "NO!!!!" Everyone yelled "We don't want to die" France growled "And anyway Italy isn't the only one who can cook" "Da, I can cook" "Ok ok then but we don't need five star meals every night" "Keseseses the awesome me can cook wurst and potatos!!!".

"Yes Prussia you can but we need to stick to the plan" Australia argues with him "Werr I courd cook with Itary" Japan interjected "That's a good idea mate" "Ok how about we have France cook sometimes and Japan and Italy cook the others?" the room filled with yes' "Ok then let's move on".

"Onto the helping part....does anyone need help with their countrys at the moment?" some hands pop up "Ok Africa you go" Australia points and Africa starts to talk but was suddenly interuped with yelling from outside.

"YOU BLOODY WANKER GET BACK HERE!!!" A man running for his life is burst's from the bushes and Tasmania follows. Tasmania through's her boomerang at the man and hits him in the head "AAHHHH" he lands on the ground with a thump, she kneel's over him and ties him with rope.

By now most of the countrys were outside "Tasmania what are you doing?" England walked up ad she put the man on her shoulder "Oh G'day if your talking about mister twinkle toes here" she points to the man "Victoria asked me to help her to find the local thief and it took me time but I found him".

She smiled while patting the guy on the leg "You have know proof" the man spat "HEY DID I ASK YOU TO TALK!!" Tasmania growled and the man whimped "Oh that makes sence" England shrugged "Well sorry for interupting your meeting but I need to go".

Tasmania smiled and walked off with the man "Japan you have some voman their" Prussia nugged him in the side "Hai Mr.Prussia but she is my woman" Japan sighed happly and walked into the building "But just imagine her in bed Kesesesese~" Prussia laughed and Japan turned red.

'Oh great how am I suppost to get that out of my head' Japan thought as he walked back to the meeting room "Ok back to buisness" Australia pointed out as Africa stood up 'But I wonder....' Japan daydreamed for the rest of the meeting.

~Time skip with Japan staying with Tasmania~

"Ok Japan this is the Sydney opera house they hold weddings here and other functions and was built in 1973 October 20th" Tasmania put her hand on the white roof "And is still here to this very day" she smiled and Japan took a photo.

"Wow Tasmania.....were you here when it was built?" they both walked to the rail and looked out to the sea "Well when it opened" she chuckled "Man that was along time ago I feel old" she looked at him and smiled "Werr Tasmania your alot younger than me i'm rearry ord" he leaned on the railing.

"Well you don't look it" she peaked him on the cheek he turned pink "Ah Arigato Tasmania" he turned to her and kissed her on the lips and quickly moved back she just stared at him startled "And you are very pretty too" he shuffled.

"Oh Japan I love you" she hugged him and he hugged her back "I rove you too".

And that was the start of the new friendship and relationship for the shy samurai and his love...


THE END!!!!!

Ah finished and now can start writing one-shots.....I hope you have enjoyed the book!!!! and please tell me what you think!!

see you soon Bye!!!!

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