The really awkward moment.......

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" Japan keep up" " I am trying to but I can onry run so far" puffed Japan as he was trying to keep up " *HOOT HOOT HOOT HOOT* " hooted an owl "AAAAAHHHHH THE WORF IS AFTER ME" yelled Japan he sprinted past Tasmania and kept on running " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA JAPAN THAT WAS JUST AN OWL" laughed Tasmania as she jumped over a log.

As Japan was running he neally fell off a small cliff " Woh that was close" " HEY JAPAN LOOK OUT " yelled Tasmania she bumped into Japan and they both fell off the cliff " AAAAAHHH WHAT THE HERR" " SORRY JAPAN I WAS RUNNING TO FAS- AAAAHHHH" they both rolled off the cliff into the dirt at the bottom with a OOF " Ouch that hurt" Tasmania said opening her eyes to find that Japan was on top of her.

" Ah Japan wake up" Tasmania shook Japan but he had blacked out " Man this dude can't take a fall" she pushed him to the side gently and stood up " Great now I have to carry Japan now well at least it's not Germany" giggled Tasmania as she grabed Japan by the waist and ploped him over her shouler.

" Now back to what we were doing" Tasmania looked around and it was pitch black " Great now I can't walk guess I have to set up camp while sleeping beautie has her nap" huffed Tasmania as put Japan nexted to a tree and she started looking for wood,~Mini time skip~ Tasmania soon came back with some wood and stones, she put the wood in a pile and struck the two stones together and a spark came she blowed on the wood till the fire started.

" Now to find some bush tucker" she grabed her boomerang and left Japan.


' Ah my head hurts' thought Japan as he sat up he then saw Tasmania cooking a rabbit over the fire, " Good evening sleeping beautie how's the head going?" she said not looking up " Good" Japan said blushing at the nickname " So we're having rabbit for dinner" asked Japan " Yeah it was the only bush tucker I could find" " Coor, Um Tasmania whats bush tucker?" " It's what we call when you find food in the wild or bushland" she said taking the rabbit off the fire.

She split the rabbit in two and handed one over to Japan " It's cooked but you don't have to eat it all" said Tasmania " Arigato Tasmania" thanked Japan as he started to eat ' Hmm this is rearry good' thought Japan as he saw Tasmania eating hers ' Gosh I hope one day I can cook for her', " Hey Japan why were you scared when the owl hooted at you?" Tasmania asked as she licked her fingers and made herself clean " Werr promise you won't terr anyone" " I promise" " I am afraid of owrs ".

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry dude but how could you be afraid of such a cute animal" laughed Tasmania holding her tummy " THEY ARE NOT CUTE TASMANIA THERE EYES GIVE ME THE CREEPS" yelled Japan and looked away hiding his flustered face Tasmania saw this and desided to have alittle fun, she crept up to him silently and got right up to his ear and yelled " HOOT HOOT HOOT" Japan jumped three meters and shot Tasmania a look but she wan't paying atention because she was to busy laughing on the groud to notice.

" DON'T DO THAT TASMANIA" yelled Japan " Dude carm down it was just a joke" " Sorry Tasmania I over reacted" Japan carmed down and moved closer to the fire and lied down " Werr goodnight Tasmania" yawned Japan " Yeah goodnight mate" she yawned back and layed down near a tree, they both fell asleep fast.

~Later that night~

" Tasmania" Japan was scared the fire had gone out and the owls were hooting " Tasmania" he whispered and shook her, she growned and looked up " Japan I was sleeping" " Yeah but the owrs started to hoot again and the fire is out they are out there to get me" she let out a small giggle " Japan did you want so sleep near me then" stating the obvies Japan nods and lays down nexted to Tasmania.

" Arigato" " That's alright goodnight" " goodnight", Tasmania layed on her back and started to drifted off to sleep when another owl called making Japan jump and hug Tasmania around her waist " Japan?" she said blushing " Werr can I hug you Tasmania i'm scared" Japan looked up and she could see his big dark brown eyes filled with fear.

" Sure" she said softly " Just don't invade my vital regons ok" "Ok" Japan replied sleeply and went back to sleep.

~Then next morning~

*YAWN* "Man that was a good sleep" Tasmania was on her side and she looked down to see Japan was still hugging her but has moved up, His head was on her neck and his hands were on her breasts, " AAAHHHH WHAT THE HELL JAPAN GET YOUR HANDS OFF BY BREASTS" yelled Tasmania blushing trying to pry the sleeping Japan.

" Nani?" he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Tasmania who had a shocked expression on her face " YOU INVADED MY VITAL REGONS JAPAN!" Japan had a puzzled look on his face untill he looked down, his eyes widened and he quickly sat up and started blushing like mad, " Sorry I am so sorry Tasmania" he said apologeticly bowing repetitavly " T-that's ok Japan" " Oh so everything is good then" " Well it will be awkward between us".

" Yeah it wirr" he said shyly " Well come on we still have my brother to rescue and find the others in the process" Tasmania smiled and began to walk off " HEY WAIT FOR ME!" Japan yelled and ran up to Tasmania's side, They began to walk in of corse awkward silence.


Ah that would have been awkward! well it would have been for me anyway hahaha ah well we are getting close to the end what will happen? Who is the evil man? What will hapen between Tasmania and Japan? you may find out in the next chapter!

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