The plan?!

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" Ok Germany, Japan and Italy this is the folder I got yesterday at the ANZAC meeting" Tasmania handed the folder to Germany to take a look as he opened the folder pictures came out and pages of infomation, " I know this isrand" said Japan looking over Germany's shoulder " Really you do?" asked Tasmania " Yeah it's just off the main isrand of Japan, but know one goes there anymore".

" Vhy?" Germany asked " Werr it is said that the forest is haunted by the ghosts of the many people that were kirred there and thats why" Japan replied " Ve~ Germany it look's scary" yelped Italy " Well that can't be helped" said Tasmania " So what else does it say Germany?" " Not much just tells us the location your brother vent missing and vhere the island is".

" Well that's very helpful" huffed Tasmania " Don't worry Tasmania we wirr find your brother soon enough" said Japan putting his hand on her shoulder with a small blush " Thanks mate I need that" smiled Tasmania blushing as well and then turned towards the others " Well guys pack your overnight bag and put on your army uniforms because we need to finded my bro and kick some ass" said Tasmania.

" Vell you heard the voman let's move!" with that Italy, Germany and Japan ran to there rooms to get changed while Tasmania packed her backpack and changed into her army uniform and grabed her boomerang and a gun from the counter and said her goodbyes to her beloved dog Bruce.


All four of them jumped into the chopper and were on their way to the island called Satsujin no shima (Murder Island) and Tasmania started to look worried, Japan notice this and sat by her " Tasmania are you arright?" she turned around with red eyes from crying " Yeah i'm fine I was just thinking about my brother thats all" " He wirr be fine just don't worry so much" " Well to be honest Japan worring to much is one of my flawes that I have" she said with more tears flowing.

Japan couldn't stand her being like this and then he put an arm around her shoulder and hugged her tightly with him turning red in the face " It wirr be arright Tasi I promise you that" he cooed " J-j-japan...." was all she could say before she hugged him around his waist and buried her head into his chest and started to cry even more and as you can tell by her doing this Japan's face was 50 shades of red.

Japan hugged her even more " We wirr find your brother Tas" he cooed again and rested his head nexted to hers she looked at him and smiled " Thanks Japan you really know how to comfit a girl in her times of need" her blue eyes looked into his deep brown ones she could tell he really cared for her and she really cared for him but she never said a word.

" Ve~Germany" whisped Italy " Ja?" he whisped back to him " Is it just me or do you think those two are getting to-a close for-a comfit" said Italy as Japan and Tasmania were falling asleep in each others arms " Italy I think after all Japan and Tasmania have gorn though they need some time to bond" smiled Germany "Italy I think you should get some rest ve still have five hours ahead of us" Germany said as he was settling down for a nap " Ok Germany" and Italy layed nexted to Germany and they slowly fell asleep.

~Another time skip brought to you by Pasta?~

Japan's dream

" Tasmania I have something to terr you" said Japan Tasmania turned around and looked at him Japan suddenly became very flusted and red in the face " Um yes what is it Japan?" " I-i-i reary rike you and I was wondering if you riked me back?" said Japan nerviosly taking a step forward " Japan I-I-I" Tasmania trailed off.

" What is it Tasmania?" " Japan I don't like you in that way but we can still be friends?" she said " I'm sorry that I don't feel the same way" she smiled weakly and walked away " WAIT TASMANIA!!!!" yelled Japan.

Back in normal time 

Tasmania opened her eyes to see herself still resting on Japan's chest she then suddenly became very flusted and sat up but then she saw Japan sweating in his sleep ' Man that must be one dream he his having? Man he is just so cute!' at this thought Italy woke up and saw her looking lovingly at Japan.

" Hey-a Tasmania?" Tasmania turned around and looked at Italy " Yes Italy what is it" " Do you love-a Japan?" he asked shocked by the question making his curl bob she nodded " Yes I think I do Italy, I care alot for him" " You should-a ask him if he-a likes you back" " Italy I would never be that lucky to have him feel the same way that I do for him" said Tasmania sadly.

" Vell you never know Tasmania" said Germany as he sat up from where he had his nap " He never gets that close to anyone ever" " Are you sure Germany?" " Ve~ Germany is-a right, I once gave him-a hug and he backed away from me" said Italy sadly " Well if you say so I will tell him", she looked at Japan ' Oh Japan I hope their right and you do like me'.

" GUY'S WERE COMING UP TO THE ISLAND GET SUITED UP AND JUMP ON MY SIGNAL" yelled the piolet, Japan suddenly woke up " Japan get ready to jump" said Tasmania handing him a parachute " " Arigato Tasmania" Germany, Italy, Japan and Tasmania put on their parachutes " Ok guys lets go" Tasmania opened the door and she looked at the piolet and he gave the thumbs up and she jumped out and the others soon followed.

" Ok guys we need to do this quietly and make sure you don't get seen, since it is night it makes it easy to hide but harder to see so be careful" she yelled over the wind the others heard her and nodded.


" JAPAN BEHIND YOU!" Tasmania said and kicked the man in the head knocking him out and punched the man coming behind Japan " ARIGATO " yelled Japan as he clashed his katana with the sword of the leader, " GERMANY HELP!" yelped Italy as he was being carried away by a man " ITALY!!!" Germany yelled and kneed another man in the face and ran after Italy " GERMANY IT'S A TRAP!" yelled Tasmania but she was to late he was tackled from the side.

" GERMANY!" yelled Italy " ITALY!" yelled Germany as he was trying to get up but another man had pinned him down " GERMANY!" yelled Tasmania and punched two men in the face and then flung her boomerang in Germany's direction and knocked the two heads of the men and they both fell unconise on top Germany, Tasmania's bommerang came back her way and she catched it in her hands but then she was kicked in the side she stumbled but stood firm.

" Thanks Tasmania" Germany got up and ran after Italy deeper into the forest, ' I hope Germany will be ok' thought Tasmania as she doged a punch and elbowed him in the side and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and ran to help Germany but she was to late to run after him and she turned to Japan who had now been backed into the ground and struggling with the leaders blade at his neck.

Tasmania ran for the leader and grabed her pistol and used the end of it to knock the man out and the man fell on top of Japan, " Japan are you alright?" she said as he was pushing the leader off him and stood up " I think we should forrow the direction of where Germany was heading" said Japan " Your right Japan let's move" and with that Tasmania and Japan ran after Germany.


OOOOOHHHHHH SNAP Japan and Tasmania are getting closer and we are getting to the good parts soon!!!!

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