Getting into the compound

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"Ok Japan this must be the camp" whispered Tasmania, the two of them were crouching behind a bush over looking the old stone castle towering in the distance. "It must be but how are we going to get into the castre it is huge!" Japan's eyes widened at the sight of the gigantic building "It wirr take arr of today to find them" Japan said standing up from the bush.

He was covered in leaves and twigs, Tasmania giggled at the sight of Japan 'Man he is so serious' she thought as she to got up and brushed herself down. Little did she know Japan looked at her and blushed as she brushed herself down. She looked at him "Japan your red are you alright?" she said with a worrying look in her blue eyes.

"I am fine Tasmania just a rittre hot thats arr" Japan quickly looked away and started to walk towards the castle "Oh ok-HEY WAIT" Tasmania yelled red in the face and ran towards him and slowed down at his side, Japan chuckled to himself "You can get so rired up...Oh I can't take it any ronger Tas your just so KAWAII!" Japan grabed her by the shoulders and hugged her wraping his arms around her neck and put his head into the crook of her neck breathing in her sent which smelled like euclaliptus leaves.

Tasmania became even redder in the face "J-japan.." she said bewilded by his sudden closeness "I thought you liked your personal space" she didn't dare move just in case he let go "It depends on who I want to invade it anyway I just can't help myserf your just so KAWAII!" he sqeaked like a fan girl at the last part and tightened the hug.

A blush creeped onto his and her face, "Japan we better get moving" Tasmania started to look into Japan's eyes "Oh ok Tasmania" he let her go with a little bit of saddness in his voice and they both started to walk though the woods, The sun filted though the trees on the Japanese island; the cool breeze swaying though the leaves.

Tasmania looked around as they walked along 'This island is so beautiful no wonder that I always was fasanated by the Japanese people' Tasmania thought with a look of excitment in her eyes, Japan on the other hand was looking ahead at the dark castle infront of them 'I hope we make it in time' Japan looked at Tasmania and felt himself smile at the look in her eyes 'I wonder what she is thinking about'.

"Tasmania" Japan said startling her out of her thoughts "Yes Japan" she said sweetly looking at him in the eyes "I was wondering what were you just thinking about" "Oh well just about how I admire the way Japan looks; So beautiful and gentle feel about the nature of things" she replied looking at the trees as she said it.

Japan's eyes widened at the fact Tasmania was interested in his culture "Y-you rike Japan's curture?" he stuttered "Yes I do, I wanted to come over here when you opened up your country to the rest of the world. You guys were so polite and have a way of doing things that I really love" her eyes sparkled at the thought but that soon deminished "Well it was easy for you when the rest of the world found your country but for Australia it was a different thing...the way they treated the people of the land it wasn't fair".

A tear slid down her cheek "Well you can't wish for everything to have a happy ending" she laughed sadly "Anyway all of that was taken care of some years back" she stopped walking and looked to the sky "But all bad things happen to end in something good, we wouldn't be a moden country if it wasn't for England".

Japan stopped infront of her and looked at the tears freely flowing down her face "Those days were never good, even during the Eureka those days were rough all of us tried to stop them but that didn't help, even England wound't listen" she looked away from the sky.

Her head hung low, the tear drops of her tears made a small sound as they fell onto her black army boots "Sorry Japan but when I start talking about the past I can get very emotional about it" Tasmania sniffled and looked up to see Japan closer.

"Tasmania I had know idea that you had been though so much" he stepped closer so they were just centimeters apart "History is history" she chuckled slightly, Japan moved even closer "Tas.." 'Ok this is my chance I can do it' Japan quickly making his move "Tasmania you wirr never have to be arone again" "What are you-" Tasmania was cut off by a pair of sweet lips softly kissing hers.

~Tasmania's P.O.V~

'Oh my TAZZIE DEVIL Japan is kissing ME!! What should I do- wait I should put my arms around his neck thats what they do in thoses romantic South Australia makes me watch...Strange for a man? well I might as well as give it a shot'.

Moving my arms slowly around his neck I pull him closer and breath in his sweet sent 'Oh GOSH he smells good'.

~Back to the normal P.O.V~

 The wind slowly blowed though the trees as Japan kissed Tasmania, both of there eyes closed and both of them holding each other like they have waited a thousand years to be together, slowly Japan and Tasmania parted breaking the kiss.

"Japan I have been meaning to tell you something for awhile now" Tasmania began to mumble as she looked into his eyes "I love you Japan".

Japan pulled her into a hug "Tasmania I rove you too" he said into her ear "I wirr never ret you be hurt" "Um Japan-" "I promise you I wirr" "JAPAN LOOK OUT" Tasmania pushed them down onto the ground as a arrow just missed Tasmania's head.

"Arigato Tasmania" Japan said helping Tasmania up from the ground "Shit that was close" Tasmania grumply grabed her boomerang and slowly walked in the direction of the arrow and pulled it from the tree "There is only one person that uses this type of arrows" she scouled "Come out you coward! We have some unfinished business to take care of" yelled Tasmania.

"Japan prepare yourself" "Hai" Japan responded and pulled out his katana and looking around.

"HAHAHA the infamous Tasmania it's been to long" a woman apeared out of the shadow of the tree, as she walked out into the light she cracked an evil smile. Her deep purple hair flowed in the wind as she walked; blood-red eyes focesed on Tasmania.

"How are you going my good friend?" she cackled "It has been to long....the last time I saw you I remember I had you at gun point and you fleed like the coward you are Violet" Tasmania looked at her strait in the face and Violet scouled.

"Watch your tounge their, I don't really apreashiate it when being talked to like that even more so if there Australian" she sneered "How dare you say that you bloody irish punk" Tasmania yelled at her "Oh I can't wait 'till you get what you deserve MEN GRAB TASMANIA AND HER FRIEND NOW!!!" Violet yelled.

A troop of men came out of the trees and surounded Japan and Tasmania, they slowly closed in on the two. "Japan we need to get out of this now any sugestions" the two of them were now back to back with their weapons defending themselves "Tasmania we need to be taken to the castre and I think these peopre are our ticket there".

"So you want me to surender to my arch-enemey?" "Hai" "Oh fine but this for my brother ok not that i'm scared got it!" Tasmania replied "Hai" Japan responded Tasmania sighed and put down her weapon and Japan did the same "WE SURENDER HAVE MERCY ON US! WE COMPLETELY GIVE UP" Tasmania yelled.

Japan relised the sarcastic tone in her voice at once "HAHAHA about time you give in" Violet laughed 'Is that Vioret person rearry that dumb, gosh she is thicker that Itary' Japan thought as he and Tasmania were roughly put into hand cuffs and were being pulled by the men with Violet toward the castle.

"Tasmania what are we going to do when we get into the castre?" Japan whispered "Oh don't worry I have my ways" Tasmania whispered back as the two of them were being pulled forcefully.


And yet another chapter done, I am sorry for my spelling and I hope to see you in the next chapter!!

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