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" Werr this is it" said Japan as all four of them walked out of the house with Germany locking the door behind him, " Yeah it is" said Tasmania " I wish I had more time to spend here though" " Don't-a worrie Tasmania you can-a always come back" smiled Italy " Yeah you are alvays welcome" replied Germany as they walked along to the car.

" Well do you guys want to follow me on my bike?" " Ok Japan you can go vith Tasmania again and ve vill meet at her place when ve get there" said Germany " But-" Japan stoped then nodded slowly and walked over to the bike seeing this Tasmania spoke up " Ahem Germany I think he wants to go with you" " Vell he can but it vill be very squishy in the back" Germany replied.

" Ve~ Germany I want-a to go with Tasmania on the back of her bike" Italy said chucking his stuff in the back of Germany's car " Vell Italy go ahead" " YAY!!!" yelled Italy and rushed over to where Tasmania was standing next to Japan and tackled her in a hug, thankfully she didn't fall over, "Arigato Tasmania" " Your welcome mate" she smiled while trying to get Italy off her.

" Vell ve need to be off" said Germany

Japan and Germany walked over to his car and hoped in while Tasmania and Italy hopped onto the bike and buckled their helmets on, " Italy you like going fast" "Ve~ I love going-a fast" " Well then I will go extra fast for you then" she said with a smirk slowly appearing and with that she rode onto the highway with Germany and Japan in tow.

~ Australia's P.O.V~

'Man I hope I can get out of here soon' thought Australia, he had been beaten, whiped and kicked by the people that are keeping hostage, 'I just hope Tasmania is alright' his thought's were intruped by the door opening.

" Ahahahahahahaha well if it isn't the famous aussie Australia" croked the man as he walked in and kicked Australia in the ribs *OOF* was all the noise that came from him as he curled up into a ball on the floor " Hahaha will you tell me when your little friends will be rescuing you" he said " I don't know you evil barsted you even put Hitler to shame" as Australia spat on the mans boots.

" HOW DARE YOU COMPARE ME TO THAT MAN I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM" the man yelled " I did't say you where like him I said you put him to shame" as he spat on his boot again " If you keep up this additude Australia you may never see your little friends" smirked the man " You need me more than I need you anyway so you need me alive" smiled Australia weakly, The man snicked and walked away " You are right there I may need to raise the stakes a little" and as he walked away all you could here was his evil laughter.

'I hope Tasmania is coming soon I don't know how much I can take of this' he thought before he fell asleep.

~ IT'S ADVENTURE TIME! with Germany, Japan, Italy and Tasmania~

"WWWOOOOOOOWWWWW " yelled Italy as he raised his arms in the air as Tasmania turned the corner still with Germany and Japan in tow as she went for the exit of the hume highway in Victoria, They were now going though turning roads with every twisted Italy screamed with fun and excitment as she went into a town and turned down one of the roads then she turned into a driveway and parked her bike under the verander and Germany parked his car on the curb.

" That was-a fun" said Italy " Yeah it was" yawned Tasmania as she picked up her bag and swung it over her sholder and started to unlock the door when she opened the door into the living room with a couch and a tv then their was a kitchen leading to a hallway where there where doors for the guest bedroom, her bedroom, bathroom and laundry.

" Make yourselfes at home there are two single beds and someone can take my bed while I sleep on the couch" she said chucking her bag down as she walked into the kitchen and started getting sausages out of the freezer and got out a pan and out it on the stove, " You guys don't mind if I cook bangers 'n' mash" she said as she got the stuff to make mashed potatos.

HELP ME TASMAINIA!!! (Hetalia fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now