Australia talking to Germany

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"Germany is your leg any better?" asked Australia kneeling nexted to the only bed in the cold cell, Germany has a fever and he cuddled up to the blankets as he looked at his friend Australia "I vill be fine don't vorrie about me just keep an eye on Italy" "Yeah Italy will not stop eyeing off the female guard" "Vhat happened?" Germany gave Italy a concerned look.

"Well you remember what happened last time we went to a bar...." "Yes I do-VHAT YOU LET ITALY USE HIS CHARMS VHEN I PERSIFICLY TOLD YOU NOT TO!" yelled Germany "Carm down mate he only got to third base with the Sheila anyway..." Australia's voice wandered off "Vell that’s ok then I guess" Australia snapped out of his trance.

"Germany do you think my sister and Japan are alright?"

"Australia they vill be fine as long as Japan doesn't make a move"

"What are you talking about"

"Japan may be in love vith Tasmania"


"WHAT! BLOODY HELL IF HE DOES ANYTHING I WILL KILL HIM! IF HE EVEN THINKS OF GETTING IN HER PANTS!!!" yelled Australia very red in the face and sits down next to the bed. "Hey sorry if I scared you Germany....." Australia mumbled, Germany was very shocked "You are very protective of your little sister?".

"Yes I am but I do it for her own good" "Vhat do you mean" "Well haven't I told you the story of when her and myself in WW2?".

"No never"

"Well it goes like this..........."

~Back in World War 2~

"GET THE MEN BACK TO BASE THERE ARE TOO MANY GERMANS" England yells over the gun shots "ALRIGHT YOU HEARD THE MAN FALL BACK!" yelled the Cernal "SIR AUSTRALIA AND TASMANIA ARE STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR" yells a random soldier pointing in the direction of where he last saw them "DON'T WORRY I WILL GO AND FIND THE TWO" yells England as he runs in the direction of where he was pointing.

"Australia this might be it" Tasmania looks at her brother as they were being backed into a tree by three German soldiers "Yeah it might" Australia gives a look in return "These Aussie brats vill be nice to give to Mr.Germany" spat one of the German soldiers "Yeah" the other two state "And the girl vill be nice to vell you know......" the others laughed sickley.

"What did you just say about my sister" Australia came face to face with the taller German soldier "You heard me man now get out of my vay" he pushes Australia right into Tasmania's arms "Don't worry bro I got this" she smiled evily with a dark alura around her and let him go, she made her way to the three of them with her hands balled up into fists "NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WILL I EVER HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH YOU OR ANY MAN!!!" she yelled while slapping the man in the face and kicking him in the balls which made him fall to the ground.

"AAAAAHHH YOU BLOODY FRAU THAT HURT!!!" she got right into his face and said "Well mabey next time you want to use your manners" and with that she kicked the man again and he fell into a ball on the ground, Tasmania turned on her heal to the other soldiers stood their dumbfound "Boo" and they both ran off screaming "HEY COME BACK YOU BLOODY COWARDS I'M NOT DONE" she yelled running after them.

"......And all three can't have babies anymore because of what she did" Australia wiped a tear because he was laughing so hard and Germany looked shocked "That was your sister that did that!" "Yep the one and only" "You know you cost me three of my most best men" "And now you know why we don't send her out on the battle field anymore".

"Vell you do have a point Australia"

"Haha man I miss her" 

"Don't worry-a she will be here-a as soon as-a posible" said Italy

"I hope so Italy, anyway Germany what makes you think Japan is in love with Tasi?"

"Vell there have been multiable insadenes which include Tasmania in her undiewear and bra....."

"Tell me"

"I don't think you vant to know about that"

"TELL ME GERMAN!" yelled Australia 

Germany was about to tell but Italy butted in "Oh and-a Germany don't forget the daydream he was-a telling us about!!!" said Italy cheerfully.

"What daydream?"


Germany tells him everything Japan told Italy and himself while she was in the shower the previous evening.

"And yeah thats about it Australia"

"You have got to be bloody kidding me" Australia said dumbfound he stood up and walked over to the wall and started banging his head on it "And you are telling me Tasmania loves him as well?"                   "YEP" cried Italy "And they were even cuddling when we were on the chopper!" "SERIOUSLY!" Australia yelled.

"Australia are you really that protective of your sister that you von't let her date him" "No Germany it's just...AH" "Vhat?" Germany asked feeling abit better so he can sit up on the bed "Germany she hasn't told you has she" "Told me vhat?".

"She has never had a boyfriend" Australia sighs heavly and flops onto the ground nexted to Italy "VHAT REALLY!" yelled the shocked German "Ve~Germany people sometimes don't even have love intrests" "Yeah but a pretty frau like her must have" "Nope" "But she vould have had a kiss "Not even that my friend".

"Ve~Poor Tasmania a bella like-a her should never be-a alone" Italy sobed "Italy mate don't cry she will be fine" "But Australia you said-a she never had-a boyfriend" he cryed even more hugging Australia, Australia froze but hugged him back "Don't worry she will find someone".

"Ah Australia I should tell you something" "What is it mate" Australia said still trying to comfert the poor Italian, "Vell Japan has never even hugged anyone and he hugged Tasmania, he even opened up to her vhich is really rare to see Japan do also he said he has never even stayed at a girls place before" "So you are telling me that Japan and Tasmania are ment to be?".

"You never know-a Australia you never-a know" Italy looked up with red eyes from crying "Mabey Italy just mabey".


YES another chapter finished! sorry I hade to take it down for a while...I had to put it onto my other account...don't ask anyway I may be doing some hetalia one-shots but i'm not sure please tell me what you think!!!! It would really help me if you did... any way see you in the nexted chapter!!!

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