The reuniting and old enemies

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Tasmania and Japan have been taken by Violet and her men to the castle, "Feconi open the gate!!" the gigantic wooden door came down with every crank from the man called Feconi, BANG!! the gate slammed onto the grass. Violet pulled Tasmania by her arm roughly and the men dragged Japan across the gate into the castle.

Tasmania lift her head to meet Violet's eyes; she smirked, pulling Tasmania and Japan along the cold and damp corridors until she stopped at the junction one going left the other right, "Men take Japan to the others" she pointed at them and then down the right hall "And you" she pointed to another man "Come and escort Ms. Tasmania with me to see the boss".

She turned on her heel and marched to the left with the man struggling to get Tasmania to come "Japan whatever may happen find Australia and the others and leave" she yelled as she half dragged half walked down the hall, "TASMANIA!!" Japan cried he stepped on the guard that was holding him the man yelped in pain and Japan made a run for it for Tasmania.

"Oh no you don't" one of the soldiers grabbed Japan by his white uniform and slammed him into the wall “Your coming with us whether you like it or not” he said sternly right in his ear making Japan shiver “H-hai” “Well good, NOW” the man let Japan go “You heard the woman lets take him to the cell”.

~Mate there is a time skip right here so lookout~

“WAIT mate you call soccer football?” “Yes ve do” “That is really confusing since we call your football soccer” “Yes but I don’t get it vhy you call frau’s Sheila’s?” “Well that’s how it is” “Ok then how the hell do you live vith the gigantic drop bears!!” “Mate drop bears aren't real some freak made them up to scare our tourists away but it didn’t work now people just make videos of them on youtube”.

“I have seen those videos and there-a scary” a wet patch appeared on Italy’s pants “ITALY THEY ARE NOT THAT SCARY” “Anyway they were probably made by America” Germany and Australia sighed “Yeah America makes parodies of everything” “Vell he is the guy vho tried to make k-pop with American singers” they both shiver.

“Yeah you got that right mate” “Hey I have a new friend for you three” a guard throughs Japan into the cell and he stumbles to the ground “Ow that hurt you ばか” Japan rubbed his head “JAPAN!!!” the three that sat on the bed were now helping him up and helping him sit on the bed.

“Japan are you-a ok?” Italy looked at him with worry in his eyes “H-hai I am fine Itary” “Japan is Tasmania ok?” Japan turned around to be face to face with him making him jump “A-ah werr…..” Japan mumbled “Pardon Japan I didn’t hear the last part?” “I said TASMANIA WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM ME AND I’M SCARED AS HERR!!!”.

Japan breathed out to calm himself down and looked at Australia in the face “She was taken by a person named Vioret and a guard down a different harrway” he stood up and walked to the wall and slid down into a crouch “Just let me be”.

“Japan….” “Reave me arone” Japan said monotone “Ok ve vill” Germany replied and went back to talking and Italy just gave him a sad look and went back to the other two.

~Somewhere with Tasmania~

Tasmania’s P.O.V.


Where the hell am I? I try to move but I feel that my legs are tied together, MAN the rope burns if I didn’t have this stupid cloth over my eyes I could see and oh GREAT my hands are tied together just what every girl needs, I hear the door slide open and boots slap on the ground.

“Well well well Tasmania what a surprise I didn’t think you would be leading the mission?” I hear the man walk around in a slow circle “And what do you mean by me leading the mission? You know I am a Australian state or have you forgotten?”.

“Oh no I am just surprised they would even let you be a state after how you use to act Van Diemen’s land?” “I have changed and my old self tamed”

“Oh really what will happen if I give you alcohol of do this-“.

The man rips the blind fold off and grabs be by the collar and slams me into the wall coming into my face, he has a scar diagonally across his left eye making the eye a clouded colour while the other is deep ocean blue and silver hair that looks like Prussia’s but like I know him.

“You remind me of someone I know?” he does look awfully familiar “Maybe this will re-jog your memory” the silver haired man punches me right in the jaw fling me to the ground I feel the stinging of the punch spread then my mind sparks.

“Van Diemen’s land you will marry me”

“Never you cold Bastard” I grabbed him by the collar and punch him

“Never in a million years Antarctica”


“A-Antarctica?” “Ah you finally remember” “But you you can’t still- “ “Be alive? Ah I’m immortal Tasmania as long as my containent lives I can make your life I living hell” “Ah that's were your wrong” I stand up I start to feel my aboriginal magic start to kick in and in a snap the ropes fall off.

“Now where were we?” Antarctica just shakes his head “You really can’t hold your old self back can’t you?” “No I am just under control” I laugh deeply and walk towards him and he walks back to the metal door.

“Ah well now I guess it’s time for plan B” he smirked I drop my hands to my sides “And what is that?” I still walk closer as he steps out the door “Oh just take someone away that is really special to you~” he sang the last part and my heart dropped “N-no y-you can’t kill him he’s a nation” “Maybe he is but I can torture him right in front of you so I can get the information I need”.

I feel the tears flow down my cheeks “You can’t do that it’s just evil!!” I rush to punch him but he blocks me with a gush of cold air “I will say hi to your lover Tasmania~” and he slid the door close.

“NO YOU CAN’T” I yelled and banged on the door for what seemed like forever.

“No you can’t do that to…..Japan”


I finally finished it ah what a relive I have had writers block for awhile now but it’s cured!!!! oh and Japan said Baka which means Idiot

See you next chapter!!!!  

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