Note From Coco

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Just informing y'all I have an idea-an idea for another story-even though I have so many in my drafts and up that have gone nowhere-, but I might be putting the first part of it up sometime in a few days. It might be called Skin Deep but I am unsure at the moment. I am just basing off of the song I was listening to at that time skin Deep by Trapt.  (Up above)

It will not be around the group or anything, but will involve some romance within the lgbt group-unsure of what at the moment though exactly.

Here are some key parts of the song to look at where the idea popped from below:

"This attraction only to appearance

Becoming your religion looks are everything, the only thing that means something to you"

"No one will ever be perfect in your eyes"


First impressions

Are over in an instant

You make your decision

Before you speak a word

You end your search

The page already turned"

"So fill the empty space with another pretty face"

I know it isn't much, but should I give it a go and try it out? I will-yeah. But it will be up in a few days-maybe if I can get motivated to write it-if any of y'all want to check it out. :) thank y'all for the time!


Lastly-updated this today-so next update for it will be whenever I get in the mood to write.

So as to this story, Hero Of War, I have some questions I for got to ask yall real quicklike.

1) Who do you want to date for a small time? Demi? Camila? Or someone else?

2) Should I try to make these chapters longer from here on in? They're quite short around 500.

That's all at the moment. Gracias amigos!

Hero Of War (Lauren/you)Where stories live. Discover now