Four Teen

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When suddenly, out of nowhere, a car rams into mine- a head on collision. I don't know what happened. But I know that my head fucking hurts like hell, and I an hanging upside down with some glass shards in my face- the feel of liquid on my face could be felt easily. The last thing I remember before everything fades to black is the faint sound of the rainfall, patting against the underside of the car.... and then...



Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt

The buzzing noise went on and on rhythmly filling up the silent air. I had no idea where the hell was, or what had happened. I tried to move my hands, only to find the action impossible to perform. What happened...I ask myself mentally.

The faint sound of steps coming towards me is soon heard, followed the the sound of a door opening up and shutting afterwards. The beeping noise carrying on and on in the air. Who am I? I ask myself, trying to remember.

Right... I'm Y/n. I.... I was in the military. I was a Sergeant... I think. What happened? Did I get hurt? WHAT HAPPENED? Panic was filling me, the buzzing- the beeping noise was increasing. Whoever was in here was clearly panicking themselves it seemed... their voice worry filled, quick. I decided to try to open my eyes, using all of my strength as my internal war waged on. Weaker and weaker I felt, but I tried. As my eyes slightly managed to open up, all I saw was a pair of brown worry filled eyes or an angel.

And then... nothing, once again.

"Where am I?" I voice, as I stand in this pitch white room. I look at myself, all white dress with matching boots. "How did I get here?" I ask to the emptiness in the air. But all I was met with was the sound of silence.

"Everywhere and nowhere, my child." a heavenly voice replied, echoing all around. The voice was feminine- that of a woman, I would guess. But who? There was no one in sight. The voice chuckled in the air. "So confused my dear... do you know what happened, child?" asked the voice.

I feel like I should be panicking, but why am I calm... Ugh. "N-no." I replied back to the voice. I was looking everywhere to try to find the source to no luck.

"Pity... so many bad things have happened to you in the past few years, haven't they, dearie?" the voice asked. But this time it was coming from in front of me, and as I looked, a woman could be seen in the distance approaching me. "Your wife... Cheating on you. The girl after that? Cheating on you as well. Atleast one thing good happened, you got your daughter, Alice. Yes?"

"Uh... yeah?" I replied confusedly as I kept my eye son the approaching woman.

"That isn't even the worst though... well they might be. You don't remember what happened.. huh? The wreck?" she asked. I shook my head.

"What what wreck?"

"You. You were in a wreck sweetie. It happened a month ago. You have actually been in and out of consciousness but you don't remember. They're worried, you know? The girls who cheated on such a beautiful woman. They still have feelings for you... but can you trust them again? It happened once.. it can happen again. Be wise child."

By now the woman had gotten to me. The white hood over her head hiding her face. "Be careful..." the woman said, removing her hood to reveal those brown eyes... the ones I remember. The hair.. everything I could remember, it was her.

"Are you an angel?" was all I could say as I stood there, amazed by the woman's beauty.

The woman smirked, and shook her head at me. "Who said i was an angel?" she voiced, chuckling, as she placed her fingertips against my temple and gently pressed. "Awaken child..." she whispered.

The last thing I remember is a golden necklace around her neck, and on the end a word was spelled out simply in a fmacy style...



A/N: heyyyy! Enjoy :) vote/comment

OH! I am slowly working on a mew story, its going to be an Ally story. Not sure when I will have it up (if I can get myself to working on it good) but if I do get it up, hope you'll read :)

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