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Even though I don't really feel good, I am finally updating this after what...? A month? I apologize for taking so long... Didn't know what to type, and well-wasn't feeling really well then, truly. Confusion is the main to why...I guess.

Lets go on...


This may be short too...sorry


I hear my phone ringing and immediately pick it up, answering without looking at it to see who it is. Once I do, I hear an agered voice on the other aide begin to shout at me, and I can immediately recognize it as Alex.

"What they fuck is with you? We just got a letter in the mail about a court meeting, about mine and Lauren's kids? Are you crazy, you will never get them. They're ours, not yours bit-" I don't give her time to keep going on and on, so I just hang up and turn my phone off, knowing she will keep trying to call me still more than likely.

I place my head down in my hands on the table and soon hear the front door being opened, as I look up I see a happy and bouncing Camila come hopping in with a wide smile spread on her face. But as she sees me, her smile disappears,  and before I know ot, she's beside of me with her arms wrapped around me in a comforting embrace. After a good ten minutes, she pulls away and wipes away my wet cheek and eyes as she smiles down at me.

"What happened?" she asked quietly, in a caring voice. She was worried, one could tell. Quite easily.

I take in a deep breath and begin to tell her about the recent call from Alex, I missed my kids, I missed them all so much. I just hope Mickey and Alice are alright. One day I will have them again... I hope.

"Y/n..." I hear Camila begin to speak. I look up into her beautiful brown eyes and wait for her to go on. Her eyes shut for a moment, before they open again with confidence within. "You don't need to be like this. Alice and Mickey will be with us again, with you again. I promise... you need to be happy and stop worrying about them. They will be alright. Lets get you in a good mood." she said before standing up to her feet. "Tonight... At eight? I am going to pick you up. To show you- to make you happy. Okay? I... I like you. If you will go with me that is..." she said, getting shy around the end. I look up to the young 21 year old Cuban-Mexican woman that stood before me and smiled up at her.

"Of course.." I quietly say to her, smiling widely up to her. "Tonight? At... Eight? You said...?" I ask, to make sure I heard correctly.

She nodded her head happily and began to bounce on her feet. "Yes!" she screamed in delight. "Uh... I should go and get ready." she said with a laugh afterwards. "I'll be here at eight.." she said before she left out.

"At eight..." I repeated to myself. I smiled as I stared at the wooden door the woman just left out of. I have a feeling tonight will be a great night..

I need to get ready. With that, I pick up my phone and dial an old friend to help me get ready...


Let me apologize to begin with...

But yeah, sorry its short..and for taking a near month.

I know it sucks, but thank you all for reading and all

To be true, I don't even know if this will even be any Lauren/you like lol should I try to? Or would you like to see it be a Camila instead?



I can not choose a favorite... Its- its impossible...

QOTD: Favorite song from it? I'll ask y'all 😂

Hero Of War (Lauren/you)Where stories live. Discover now