Chapter 1: First day at UA

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"Who the hell are you?" I hesitated to reply. I wasn't sure if I could trust this kid.
I looked straight into his crimson eyes. "I need your help."

That was 11 years ago. I used to be helpless . But now, here I am. Standing at the gates of UA . It's my first day here . I was a little bit scared , but as long as I didn't put myself into the spotlight, I figured I'd be fine.

Turns out that strategy completely failed.

"MOVE THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY !!!" A boy yelled behind me, causing everyone to stare.
"Um....sorry...." I tried to keep my composure and moved to the side slowly. And that was when I got to look at him.
"Who the hell are you?" That was...... that was him. It couldn't be anyone else. No one else had that impulsive attitude. No one else had intense crimson eyes like his. No one had his ash-blond hair. My suspicions were confirmed when he gave me a look of sheer shock and surprise. "It's you......" All the previous rage and anger had left his voice.

All I could do was turn around and continue walking.

"Hey! WAIT !!" He called out to me , but I just put my head down and walked away. That was when I felt a strong tug on my arm. It didn't take me any thinking to know it was him.
"It's you...." he was shaking. I didn't want to.... but......
I let go.
I tried to completely process what had just happened. But......
Katsuki.......Why's he here?
......of course. I was stupid to not think I'd run into him. I just had to pray that I didn't end up in the same class as him.
"1-A.....1-A......" I finally found the door.
"Wow...." the door was pretty huge. I took a deep breath. Beyond the door would be the people I'd be spending 3 years with.
"Oh, um...hi!" A kid around my age stood next to me , his green, curly hair catching my view.
"Hi." I kept it brief. "What's your name?"
"U-ummmm......" he was blushing. Guess he's not used to talking to girls. "I-Izuku...." his face flushed.
"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." I held out my hand for him to shake. He took it, embarrassed, and said, " you have ....nice eyes (Y/N)." He pointed to my irises. I didn't personally like my eyes. I thought they were a bit uncomfortable to look at. The truth is, my left iris was a magenta shade, and my right was a golden palette. I'd gotten used to people pointing it out. Just like I've gotten used to people looking at me. I really wish no one would bring it to my attention constantly. "Thanks." I ended the conversation and opened the door.
I was greeted in the strangest way possible. A guy with the head of a bird was sitting on a desk, and another man with a cube-like face and glasses was pretty much just kinda.....scolding him? I wasn't sure what he was exactly doing .
"Do not put your feet on the desk!" Cube-face said.
"What a pain....." Bird-head replied. He seemed to be your average edge lord. It was then that the two noticed that we were there.
"Oh, Why hello! I am Tenya Iida and I attended Somei Private academy before coming here! And you are...."
I gave him a quizzical look and simply said, "(Y/N)."
"Umm....I'm Midoriya."
"WHAT BEAUTIFUL NAMES!!! It is a pleasure to meet you ." He grabbed my hand and shook it violently.
"As for you Midoriya, you guessed the nature of the exam! I underestimated you at first. You are truly the superior candidate!"
"W-what?! No! Umm...of course not!" Izuku replied. I left the conversation , not wanting anyone to ask me about the entrance exam.
"What about you, (Y/N)? How was the entrance exam?"
"........ I didn't take it."
"WHOA REALLY?!" Izuku gave me a look of surprise. Iida's jaw was wide open. The whole class fell silent. Even bird-head looked surprised. "YOU GOT IN ON RECOMMENDATIONS ?! SO COOL!!! " a girl with pale pink skin gave me a look of admiration.
" I'm Mina Ashido by the way.... I can't believe you didn't have to take the entrance exams!! That's awesome!!!! " she beamed with excitement.
" must be a big shot." Another guy with weird-looking elbows added. "You'll probably be tough to beat."
"! That doesn't make a difference."
Students were arriving into the class now and were all catching on.
"Are your parents heroes?" This one girl with brown hair asked.
"whoa!!! You must be really strong then!" This guy with red hair and red eyes cut me off.
Great. Now there was a whole crowd of people surrounding me.
I am totally not drawing attention to myself.......
"You can talk about this later." I recognised that voice. It was Aizawa . The man looked like he just woke up in spite of the fact that he legitimately woke up around 3 hours ago. And yes, I can confirm that .
He was in his sleeping bag, literally lying in front of the entrance. While the entire class gave him weird looks, I was trying desperately not to burst out laughing.

He got out of his sleeping back and checked his phone. "It took you guys 15 minutes to pipe down. That isn't the rational way to go about things. And as for you....."
I noticed Katsuki standing right behind him.
"Don't try that again." Was all Aizawa said.
Try what again?
Katsuki gave him a look of frustration and rage. Then he looked at me. There was pain in his eyes.
"Anyway......" He turned back to face us with a monotone expression. "My name is Shota Aizawa......" please be our homeroom teacher.....please be our homeroom teacher...... please......
".......and I will be your homeroom teacher." YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!
"Put these on and come outside." He held up a UA sports uniform.
I betcha it's a quirk test! Oh no..... NOT A QUIRK TEST NO FU-
"I guess we better get changed." Mina interrupted my thoughts. "Oh..... right, yeah. Sure...." I trailed of .

I was definitely not looking forward to this.

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