Chapter 11: Namesake

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My eyes opened to face the green colour palette of a beautiful forest, as the wind blew through the trees. My fingers twitched as I blinked rapidly to adjust to the sunlight.
It'd been a while since I'd gone outside.
Realising my wounds had been healed I got out of the log I had hidden in shakily as I immediately drank some water for the stream. I flinched at my hands scraping against the rock, leaving another wound. This one was going to have to heal naturally, or else I just might pass out again. And that wasn't exactly the best strategy for survival. I sighed, ripping the rags I wore further to create a bandage for my hand before resting my head against an oak tree. My palms stroke the bark thoughtfully, wondering what I was going to do now.

But then that tranquil silence was interrupted by the ear-piercing noise of a yell. I spun around anxiously in fear, wondering if maybe it was him again, but sighed with relief when I realised he was just a child.

He was a blond kid, probably around the same age as me, and he seemed to be kicking...a tree?


I couldn't help but notice he was completely engulfed in water, and at that I let out a light giggle. This was such an absurd situation so far removed from anything I'd ever experienced, I never expected to ever be in this situation.

His eyes widened in surprise at the sound of my voice, and he turned back at me in surprise.

"Who the hell are you?"

I stared at him, not sure what to say. Who really was I, anyway? I'd never been given a name before....

I guess maybe that meant I could pick my own.

"I..." I looked around, trying to conceptualise a name.

"My name is..."

I woke up with a start, staring at the ceiling as I took a moment to breathe. My real name...
Why couldn't I remember it???


"Oi." I flinched as Katsuki prodded me, clearly annoyed that I hadn't been engaging in banter as usual. But I couldn't help it. Ever since last night, the idea of my real name had been corroding my mind. I'd completely forgotten what that real name of mine was...people called me (Y/N), shouldn't that be it?

I guess...I never really picked out a name for myself..I was just given one by the heroes to make my transition to normal life easier. It's weird I never got to choose it, though. I know my last name is Aizawa for sure, since he's my legal guardian and all, but could I really change my first name? Was that even possible???

Realising suddenly that I had been completely ignoring Bakugo for over a minute now, I laughed nervously in an attempt to ease the tension as I fiddled with my dark hair. "What? Sorry, I was just thinking."

He gave me a skeptical look at first before letting out a sigh as he grumbled to himself, looking down at his paper instead. I could tell I upset him, but I had no idea what else I should say. My hand reached out in an attempt to comfort him, but to no avail.

I screwed things up again, didn't I?

Knowing he wouldn't stop sulking if I didn't explain myself, I erratically scribbled down a note, hoping that Allmight wouldn't catch me this time.

Meet me outside the gates after school. I need to talk to you about something important.

His eyes widened at that, but he begrudgingly placed the note in his bag, clearly willing to wait a few hours for all the answers, to which I sighed with relief as a light smile appeared on my face.

At least one thing in my life was consistent.


"So?? What the fuck did you want to talk to me about???" The two of us walked out the gates of UA together, and as soon as we officially left the school premises, I replied: "Do you remember my name?"

He looked at me in confusion. "Huh?"

"My name. Did I ever tell you my name when we were kids....?"

"Isn't your name (Y/N)?"

My eyes narrowed, my face growing even more serious.
"I meant my real name." I sighed when I realised he wasn't understanding it, clearly realising I had to explain. "(Y/N) was a placeholder name given to me by the heroes as...soon as I started coming here." I clenched my fists with determination. "But...I want to choose my name...just like I'm choosing my"

My voice grew louder, as I slowly started to grow more and more desperate.

"Please! Help me choose a name for my own!"

There was silence for a moment. And then, Katsuki burst out laughing. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment.
"Hey! It's not funny!"

He smiled at me genuinely, his eyes giving me a caring look. "I know, it's're just so cute when you're determined to do something."

My cheeks turned even redder. "What the-"

"But yeah, I'll help you find your goddamn name. Whatever the hell it is, it sure won't be better than mine!"

I grinned, brushing away my flustered state.

"Wanna bet?"

He grinned back.

"You're on."

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