Chapter 12: The Lake

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I groaned, planting my head on the table in frustration. The two of us had been sitting in my room for hours, and I still didn't find anything that really resonated with me. Katsuki had been surprisingly patient throughout all of it, stroking Churchhill's back gently.

"Isn't mochi your favourite? Maybe just name yourself after that."

I burst out laughing. "You really want me to name myself after my favourite food of all things?"

His cheeks turned red. "SHUT UP! IM JUST TRYING TO HELP!"

I gave him an affectionate smile before staring back down at the paper in front of me.

"I know..." I smiled to myself, my pen tapping against the paper. "This is just....harder than I thought...."

I wanted my name to represent me, not the frightened little girl I used to be. And in order to do that, I needed my name to be a perfect fit. Noticing my distress, Katsuki got up, gesturing for me to follow as he did. I looked at him in confusion, but immediately slipped my shoes on, following him through the door and outside the house. Aizawa had to stay back in school to work out some paperwork for whatever reason, so the awkward questioning that he might engage with me was thankfully non-existent. I followed Katsuki through the streets, wondering where the hell he was going.

And then I saw we were outside the forest fence.

I don't know why, but in that instant I flinched. I felt an overwhelming surge of anxiety in my stomach at the thought of going back in there again, because that's where it all began. That's where we first met, and that's where we went our separate ways for the better part of around ten years.

I stopped then, my feet refusing to move. I wasn't afraid neither did I tremble, but for some strange reason my body didn't will itself to move. In that instant Katsuki stared at me, his crimson eyes flashing with concern that he tried his level best to hide. At that look I yielded, shaking my head furiously, and pushing onwards.

"Smart idea. This might trigger some memories." I walked on forward, ignoring his stares and ignoring the apprehension rising within me. The boy sighed before following suit, clearly understanding that he wouldn't get many answers from me.

"Damn...." he muttered to himself, but I ignored him.

He didn't need to know.


We walked on as the skies slowly grew darker with passing time, memories flooding back. I looked down at the dirt below me, trying to deal with this on my own. My anxiousness towards something as silly as the woods was stupid, and I'm sure Katsuki would just laugh at me. He noticed my clear discomfort and remained silent, waiting for me to point out anything that could help me in manifesting a name that I could call my own. I stared at the trees and flowers around me, trying to find something that fit me, and eventually I just couldn't take anymore.

"FUCK!" I screamed, kicking a nearby tree with all the force I could muster.

Katsuki, upon seeing this, sat down a rock nearby as though he was prepared for this. "Vent the fuck out. It just might clear your head."

I stared at him in confusion, my anger fading as I realised how I had just behaved.

And then, I burst out laughing.
"Man, since when were you the calm and rational one?"


At his words I only laughed more, the tension within me ceasing at his behaviour. Katsuki always knew how to make me smile, no matter what. I smiled softly then, slumping up against the very tree I kicked.

"This is just like how we first met, huh?"

"Yeah...I guess it is." He trailed off, staring at the cloudy skies as he did. We were together in silence for a moment, just enjoying our surroundings. I know Aizawa was probably calling me nonstop, but my phone was off, and I didn't feel like turning it on.

"Listen...." Katsuki finally said, his tone soft. All the aggression that was previously channeled into voice had disappeared, as he gazed at the lake in front of us.

"Whatever you come up with, I'm sure it'll be great. It doesn't have to be something cool or flashy...a name isn't cool because of how it sounds. It's cool because it's yours. So pick whatever the fuck you want, even if it's lame as hell."

I smiled, staring following his gaze into the clear waters ahead with a warm smile.

Wait a minute....

The lake....

I couldn't help but notice he was completely engulfed in water, and at that I let out a light giggle.

My eyes widened in realisation. That was it. The lake was where I first learned to survive on my own. The lake was where  I was found. And most importantly, the lake was where I first met Katsuki Bakugo.

I smiled, laughing at my stupidity. It was right in front of me the whole time, and I just couldn't see it.

Katsuki, on the other hand, was oblivious to my breakthrough, and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Oi! The fuck you laughing for?!"

I grinned, getting up from where I was sitting.


"That's going to be my name. Mizumi Aizawa." I grinned, suddenly feeling the need to move more.

"Mizumi Aizawa." I said it again, and as soon as I did I ran through the woods, the smile never leaving my face.



The two of us ran through the bushes and moved past the trees, never halting, never faltering, never stopping.

When we finally made it outside to the streets, I stopped, taking deep breaths as I tried to remove the leaves from my hair.

"I'm...Mizumi...." tears rolled down my cheeks in that instant, but I immediately rubbed them away, knowing that if Katsuki saw he'd never let me live this down. I managed to avoid his teasing just in time, my hand reaching for my phone as he approached. Aizawa was probably worried shit about me but I didn't care. I couldn't care, because all I could think about was the fact that I'd picked out a name for myself.

"Was that all really necessary?" Katsuki grumbled as the two of us walked back to our homes, clearly trying to hide a smile at my impulsive behaviour. I laughed, still trying to get leaves out of my hair as I did.

"Of course it was."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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