Chapter 9: I ship it :)

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Katsuki and I had some pretty weird conversations on the way to school.  We just interacted like we used to when we were kids, so it seemed pretty normal to us. Unfortunately, not so much for the people around us. They gave us weird looks when Katsuki and started debating whether or not hedgehogs were cool. Yup, that's the norm with us.

"I'm just saying." I grinned, rolling my eyes at Katsuki's retorts and loud  yelling. " They have something that doubles as offense AND defence. They can get rid of opponents easily."
"It's still pretty pathetic!" Katsuki roared, causing people nearby to slowly walk away.
"It's not like they can actually win a fight anyway!"
"I beg to differ."
I smiled coyly. "You're a hedgehog. And you've won plenty of fights."
We continued the debate all the way through the school until we entered the class. It was then that I noticed everyone was staring at us.
"Uhhhhh...."was all I could say. "Hey guys...." my social anxiety began to kick in. I hated the fact that I was currently the prime focus of the room. Well, me and Katsuki of course.
"The fuck are you looking at?" He growled. He made his way over to his seat, and I slowly did the same. But before I did, Kaminari said:
"So you guys are a thing?"
Not again...
"What? No Denki! We're just friends!" How many times did I have to explain this to people?
"But you guys walked to school together!" Ashido spoke up, grinning coyly. Katsuki blushed and sprang up from his seat.
Everyone laughed. I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing to. I walked up to Mina then, who was talking to Ochaco.
"Uh hey, could you not please...?" I inquired, still blushing. Ochaco smiled goofily. "But it's honestly so obvious. You can't expect us to not say anything."
"Look. I don't like Bakugo.Besides...." my blush grew as I said this. "I'm crushing on someone else..."
Ashido's eyes widened. "Wait a sec, really
I nodded slowly. "Y-yes....."
"Who?" Uraraka asked curiously, her brown eyes staring into mine. Mina returned the same look, and after some pestering and teasing, I finally spilt the beans:
"I...well....I like Eijirou....." my face turned beetroot red. Mina looked at me surprised with a grin on her face, and Ochaco squealed. "Oh my god, really? That's adorable!" She hugged me tightly. I smiled coyly before replying:
"So is your crush on Deku." She jumped out of the hug in surprise as her face flushed.
"W-well....fair enough....." the blush increased as she smiled with embarrassment.
"Ok class settle down." Present Mic's loud voice ran out through the entire class as he entered the room. He grinned and struck a flamboyant pose. "Who's ready for some grammar?!"
The whole class groaned, as I sighed and slowly put my headphones on.
"Oi." I felt a prod on my back as Katsuki's voice rang out in my ears. I got up slowly as I took of my headphones, pausing Clint Eastwood and frantically looking around.
"Wha....where's everyone?" I asked , really confused.
He rolled his eyes. "Class ended five minutes ago."
"Oh." I stated frankly. I placed my phone into my bag and grinned coyly.
"I can't believe you waited for me..."
His face turned beetroot red.
"'d probably fucking kill me if I didn't."
I practically fell onto the bed once I got home. Attending UA was great and all, but it was really tiring too. Churchill jumped on me, eager
for attention.
"So," I said, scratching him behind the ears. "How was your day?"
Churchill simply purred and fell asleep. I sighed, recalling the assignment we had to do for the hero course:
"I want you kids to think about what kind of hero you want to be. Next week we'll have you all presenting your thoughts. It is a must to identify your key motivation before you succeed."
I recalled Aizawa's words as I gently sat up.
My key motivation...?
Now that I think about it, I never came up with one goal to focus on. Becoming a hero was just something I wanted to do for many reasons. To amend myself, to feel free and wild, to help others. I never focused on one in particular because I didn't really feel the need to. With so many different ideas and paths.....
How was I meant to choose just one?
This assignment was important. I couldn't just select a motivation at random and pass it off as the one I cared about the most. I mean I've got a week, but still.
I'm sure Katsuki already knows what he's doing. And Izuku and Eijirou. Katsuki was doing it because of his ambition. Izuku did it because he wanted to help people. Eijirou did it out of admiration and a sense of duty.
But me?
I didn't know about myself.
It was at that moment that my phone buzzed with a notification. I grinned.
     FUCK OFF: Oi.
I replied:
(Y/N):Hey. Do you know what you're doing with your assignment?
FUCK OFF: obviously. What about you?
(Y/N): .......
I pondered for a moment before replying:
(Y/N): well....I haven't really thought about it yet. I guess I'll figure it out. It's like I've got ideas, but not a clear picture, if you know what I mean.
FUCK OFF: Well, I don't know what that metaphor shit is about, but I know you'll figure it out eventually. Cause if you get a lower score than ballsdeep69, I'll fucking murder you.
I burst out laughing.
(Y/N): I'm assuming you mean Mineta, right? Like I'll ever score lower than him.
FUCK OFF: there you go. That can be your motivation.
(Y/N): thanks Katsuki. :)
FUCK OFF: whatever. Same time tomorrow at your house right?
(Y/N): so are we just going to make this a daily thing?
FUCK OFF: yeah, sure I guess.
(Y/N): ok. See you at 7:30.
I shut my phone and lay back on the bed once again, feeling self assured as I stared at the ceiling aimlessly.
Hopefully the next time I'd stare up I'd have my goal ready to go.

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