Chapter 7: questions

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Midoriya grabbed the knob, slowly opening the door nervously. I really couldn't blame him. He just had a major fight with Katsuki. I had no idea how they would interact from this point.
As for me, I was ready to give Katsuki a piece of my mind. Saying I was a little pissed is an understatement. But I also wanted some answers, and for him to explain in detail what was up. When we knew each other, he would mention a 'Deku', but he never elaborated on it. I wanted to be able to see the story with open eyes.
As soon as we opened the door, everyone looked up. Mina grinned and jumped up, hugging me tightly.
"(Y/N)!!!!!!! That was quite a fight you put out there!!!! "
"Yeah!!!! You and Midoriya really inspired us to do our best just like you two!!!!" Kirishima added, to which I blushed.
He's inspired by me awww~
It was at that point Kaminari and Uraraka walked in carrying some textbooks. As usual, Kaminari was being really flirty. Uraraka didn't really seem to pay much attention to it though.

When she saw me and Midoriya, her eyes lit up.
"Deku!!! (Y/N)!!!" She smiled at us. Then she looked at me . "That was a great match out there. You know you got VIP of the match right? Allmight was pretty happy with you."
"Congrats on winning." I said half-heartedly, examining the class, looking for him.
"Hey, Uraraka? "
"You know where Katsuki is?"
Midoriya's face fell, as he to realised that Katsuki was missing. Uraraka gave us a concerned look. Then she said:
"We all tried to tell him to stay, but he wouldn't listen to us. He left early without saying anything."
Izuku and I practically ran down the stairs in a frenzied panic.
Please don't tell me he's already gone.
Luckily enough, we were just in time. Then Midoriya looked at me.
"(Y/N)...." He said nervously. " it fine if Kacchan and I can talk in private for a while? You can speak with him after me I promise!"
I nodded. "Do what you gotta do."
Midoriya nodded gratefully. He ran up to Katsuki. I, on the other hand, hid behind a pillar to avoid them seeing me. Yes, I know I'm nosy, ok? But I wanted to know more about their relationship. Besides, it just felt necessary for me to be involved someway.
I listened carefully for what the two were about to say to each other.
"Kacchan!!!" Izuku called out, clearly desperate to explain myself.
There was a pause for a few seconds. Then Katsuki finally asked: "What...?"
The way he said it was filled with so much animosity and anger. This let me know that he was not in his usual mood; no. He was honestly, truly bitter. Midoriya seemed to have noticed as well. He very slowly, cautiously said:
"Kacchan....I haven't been lying to you about my quirk. " he took a deep breath. " I'm not supposed to tell you this, but..... I want you to understand.'s the truth."
My eyes widened at that. The....truth.....?
I heard the sound of scraping feet. It must have been Katsuki turning around. His interest was peaked. Midoriya continued:
"My was.....given to someone else.....recently......."
This made no sense whatsoever. You can't just give a quirk to someone else. Quirks were unique to every individual right? Right? My mind scrambled for an answer. Then I heard Midoriya's voice again.
"B-but I can't say who gave it to me! So....don't ask......" then his voice turned from nervous to confident , hesitant to determined.
"This power......may not be mine yet......but one day.....I'll make it my own.....and beat you with my own power!!! " I was left in awe by his surprisingly inspiring words. But the most shocking thing was that I actually believed him. That I actually saw his words as earnest and true. Then Midoriya went back to a bumbling, unconfident individual.
"Ummm....b-but that's .......I didn't really mean that last part umm....s-sorry!!"
I almost giggled at his dorky behaviour. He was definitely something.
But that was until I heard Katsuki's reply to what Izuku had said. It was the most chilling, eye-opening, reply I had ever heard.
"....The fuck do you mean....?" He sounded like he was trying to bottle-up all of his anger, to hide his powerful emotions.
"Borrowed power.....?! I don't know what the shit you're talking about! But I guess this was your way of mocking me, right? You think I'd believe some stupid crap like that?! And ponytail girl was right. THAT BLAST WAS A FUCKING DUMBASS MOVE!!! AND WHEN WE WERE WATCHING THAT ICEGUY I REALISED THAT I COULDNT STAND A FUCKING CHANCE AGAINST HIM!!! " He growled in frustration.
"DAMNIT!!! DAMNIT!!! DAMNIT...." his voice turned soft and low.
"But just you wait. YOU HEAR ME DEKU?! One day, I'll be stronger than all of you MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" He sniffled. I realised in shock he was crying. Katsuki Bakugo, the strongest person I know, was actually crying over what happened between him and Izuku.
And then the conversation ended, as I was left stunned by what had just occurred.
I decided to not stop to see Midoriya's reaction. As quickly as possible I ran after Katsuki, in such a way that he or Midoriya wouldn't spot me. I had to talk to Katsuki. There was so much I could say. But I decided it'd be best to keep it short.
"Katsuki!" I called out, and he jerked in surprise, still not turning around.
"Go away." Was all he said. I flinched, not wanting to trigger him. But I didn't let my fear  control me. I slowly, gently put my hand on his shoulder and grabbed his hand tightly.
"It's ok to cry sometimes. I learnt that the hard way. "

that was all I could say.

He  finally faced me then, his eyes still tearful.  I braced myself for an explosive reply. But he just started laughing and grinned.

"That was real fucking cheesy."

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