Chapter 10: Who I am

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5 days. It's been 5 days.

And I've gotten nothing.

All I've got is this weekend, and then BOOM assignment.

I mean seriously, what the hell am I supposed to do???

At the very least, nothing was there to bother me. No annoying Mina yelling at me to hang out as long as I shut my phone. And no Katsuki to worry about.

It was just me, and this dumb assessment.

Maybe if I thought about why I wanted to be a hero....I could put my finger on what reason stood out to me the most.

Except....I didn't want to trigger my memories.

I sighed and opened my phone. Maybe someone could help me out.

(Y/N): Hey....have you decided what you want to do for the assignment???

Red-riot: yup! You?

(Y/N): ......

Red-riot: Let me need some help?

(Y/N): ....yeah.

Red-riot: Say no more. I'm coming over.

(Y/N): wait....YOU KNOW WHERE I LIVE?!!!!

Red-riot: uh...yeah. Bakugo told me.


Red-riot: it's ok :) he only told me and Mina cause he saw we were getting along well, so there's no reason to worry.

(Y/N): Oh......well. It's still wrong tho.

Red-riot: I guess so....anyway, I'm on my way.

(Y/N): K. See ya :)

Red-riot: bye. :)

My cheeks flushed.

Eijiro's coming over to my house???

I looked around my room, and realised how messy it was. Well.


I hurriedly scrambled around to try and make my room slightly more presentable. And get rid of all of my old clothes lying around. Mineta would find it a treasure trove, and that was a troubling thought. It took practically all of my strength to pull Churchill off of my bed, but I didn't want him take up all of the space. Aizawa opened the door, and his eyes widened in surprise.
"Since when were you so clean...?"
I flopped down on my now-clean bed and sighed.

"Eijiro is coming over."

"Oh." Aizawa nodded thoughtfully. "Well, have fun."
I gave him a quizzical look. "You're not going to tease me about it or anything?"

"Well, he's clearly helping you study. Besides, he's not the one who went through the effort of finding out where you live to walk to school with you every day."

"Are you kidding me Aizawa?! WE'RE JUST FRIENDS. Now get out before Eijiro shows up." My cheeks were pink with embarrassment.

Aizawa smiled softly. "Fine. But don't make too much noise."

I was perplexed. Since when was he so supportive?! I seriously wasn't used to this. Even though he's been my teacher and legal guardian for three years, it was usually really difficult to get him to smile. But this came out so easily.

I didn't have time to think about that though, because as soon as he left, the doorbell rang. I dashed downstairs, but not before checking myself in the mirror to make sure my face was alright and my red hair was in a neat high-pony.  Then I opened the door.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.

"Okay," Eijiro sat down on the floor opposite me in my room. "Do you have a problem with how you're going to present it? Because I think that just explaining it with cool expressions is fine. There's not even a need to write a speech. Just speak your heart out, y'know?" He grinned.

"No...I get that..." my face flushed with embarrassment. "It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Just that I have so many reasons for becoming a hero that I can't choose one above the others."

His eyes turned serious. "I see." He said. "Okay. Maybe think back to when you first wanted to be a hero. Try remembering which feeling overpowered you the most."

I was silent. He smiled weakly.

"Not great memories, huh?"

I nodded.

"I don't like thinking about it."

"It's ok. I get it. I have bad experiences too. It must have been hard with that quirk of yours. To train."


"But there must have been good memories, right? Why don't you try thinking about the moments when you were happy leading up to your heroism."

Katsuki. Aizawa. Getting to know all of you. Getting to spend time with all of you.

I figured it out.

I looked up with determination. "I got it!"

He grinned. "I know."

It was now Monday morning. Katsuki and I were walking to school as usual, and all I could think about was what Eijiro said to me this Saturday. After that, he hung out a bit at my place and we really bonded, and it left me feeling more and more feelings for him. My heart beat accelerated at the thought of his smile.

"Oi. Earth to (Y/N)."

I jumped in surprise.


"You figured out anything for your assignment? You seemed to have trouble with it."


We walked the rest of the way in silence. I was too busy thinking about Eijiro and his beautiful face that I didn't even focus on Katsuki.

I can't believe we spent the weekend together.


"Alright everyone, time for presentations. Who wants to go first?"

My hand shot up faster than the speed of Iida and Izuku combined. The whole class looked at me in surprise, particularly Katsuki. Eijiro just gave me a warm smile. Even Aizawa was a bit taken aback.

"Um...(Y/N). Go ahead." He signalled for me to come up to the front of the classroom.

I sighed. I knew this was the right thing to do. I had to get this over with. Let's hope I was right. I took a deep breath:

"My quirk wasn't always as controlled as it is now."

Katsuki's eyes widened, but he said nothing.

"I used to be afraid. Afraid that I'd get others hurt. And sometimes, I did." I bit my lip nervously, taking in the aching silence.

"But someone once told me that my powers were awesome. And that made me realise that if I really tried hard enough, I couldn't hurt those I cared about. Instead-"

I smiled, my eyes filled with conviction. "I could protect them from harms way. So why do I want to be a hero?"

Eijiro beamed. Katsuki wore a light smile, and Aizawa grinned to himself.

"It's to protect the people I love in my life."

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