Chapter 6: Personal

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I waited patiently for my opponents. I had a feeling it was more likely Uraraka would come, and Izuku would be caught up with Katsuki. I just had to make sure that she didn't touch the weapon, which would be pretty easy. In spite of how exhausted I was, the barrier was holding up pretty well. I checked my watch. Atleast 5 minutes had passed.
What was going on ?
I hoped Katsuki was doing ok. I didn't want him to lose it. I knew how much resentment and anger he felt towards Midoriya, but he had to put that aside. Otherwise we could easily lose.
I looked around the room, scanning the place for Uraraka. She could be hiding.
I then spotted her hiding behind a pillar. She seemed to be waiting for her partner.
Tch. I think he might be a while.
I figured there was no point in just leaving her on a leash. She didn't know my weakness, thankfully.
"You do realise I know you're hiding....right?"
Uraraka jumped in surprise and made her way in front of me nervously.
I arched an eyebrow.
"I'm not gonna attack you unless you come at me." I replied. "So....if you wanna wait for your partner-"
"No." She cut me off. "I'm good." She grinned. "I can handle you on my own."
"Ok." I smirked. "Come at me. Though it's not gonna be easy. I got rid of all the potential things you could float here."
"Not a problem." She touched herself, making herself float. She probably wanted to avoid fighting me and just get straight to the weapon. Of course, there was no way she could possibly break through the barrier without taking me down. There was no escaping it. She had to fight me. After numerous failed attempts to access the weapon, she sprang back onto the floor and touched her earpiece, letting her teammate know about the situation. Things didn't really seem to be going to well on Midoriya's side either. He seemed to be having a hard time with Katsuki from what I could hear.  Then she lunged at me.
"I didn't want to attack you." She panted, making her way towards me. "But I don't think I have a choice!"
It was at that moment I realised what she was doing. She was trying to make me float by touching me.
This wouldn't be to difficult to avoid, even in my current state. I'd just have to dodge her attacks and have some offensive strategy in mind. She was, unfortunately for her, not that good at hand to hand combat, which made this increasingly easier. I didn't even have to use my quirk against her. While we were fighting, I checked my watch once again.
5 minutes.
We could win. I placed my hand on the earpiece and checked on Katsuki. "How's it going? " I asked. There was no reply.
"Katsuki? Katsuki? Are you there?" Then I realised.
He was too busy focusing on Izuku.
Then I heard him speak.
Shit. This is exactly what I was fearing to happen. Katsuki had totally lost control. It was his anger that had taken over.
"Katsuki-" I began, trying to hide the concern I felt. But then Allmight's panicked yells interrupted me:
Wait....don't what?
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!" Katsuki let out another malicious laugh. "HE'LL BE FINE AS LONG AS HE DODGES!!!"
And then it happened. The building began to shake, as a huge bomblast occurred downstairs.
He lost control. I was scared this would happen. In that moment, I completely forgot about the barrier I was supposed to hold. The barrier fell, blood covering the floor.
Then another powerful blast occurred, probably from Izuku.
The floor exploded. I leapt up, forced to use my blood to levitate. My head began to get dizzy as I slowly realised I had surpassed my limit. Uraraka took that as opportunity. She lunged to the weapon, hugging it happily.
"Got it!!"
My eyes slowly shut as I lost consciousness.
"(Y/N)! You okay! " A familiar dorky voice asked me, prodding my shoulder. My eyelids slowly opened. Izuku gave me a concerned look. It was then that I had realised I was in recovery girl's office. The little old lady walked up to me and smiled.
"You're lucky you can heal yourself so easily. You would be extremely fatigued if it wasn't for your quirk. "
I nodded. I could restore my blood cells, but that required inactiveness and concentration, which I DEFINITELY would not be able to possess in a fight. It was at that point that I noticed how beaten up and exhausted Midoriya was, and I instantly felt a shred of regret.
"I apologise for Katsuki's um...behaviour with you...."
His eyes widened, then he laughed. "It's ok. You can't blame yourself. Kacchan's always been like....this."
"What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "It's complicated."
"Really? Cause the Katsuki I know definitely wouldn't behave that way with just anyone."
Midoriya bit his lip nervously. Then he said:
"I can't tell you everything, but Kacchan behaves like this with me because he thinks I hid my quirk from him all of the years that we knew one another. But that's really not true I swear." He looked down regretfully. "You see." He started. " For the longest time, I thought that I was born quirkless."
My eyes widened. Izuku, seeing my expression, smiled and then continued.
"It was only until recently that I gained my quirk. That's why I don't have a decent control over it yet." I arched an eyebrow skeptically.
"But don't kids manifest their quirks at 4 or 5? I didn't think it was possible to gain them during your teen years."
He nodded. "I know. The doctors said it was a miracle." He grinned. "Anyhow, do you wanna get back to class? I bet you everyone's waiting for us."
I smiled lightly. "Of course."

I could tell he was lying.

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