Chapter 8: watch your language

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"I'm home." I said, slowly opening the door. I had offered to hang out with Katsuki after our talk, but he told me that he needed some time to himself. Getting how he felt, I backed of and let him have the time he desired.
"You've been out awfully late. It's not the rational way to be safe." Aizawa was lying down on the couch, stroking Churchill. The grey Persian purred softly. He jumped of and ran up when he saw me, knowing I'd scratch him behind the ears, which I complied to. His purring increased.
"Well, for your information.....I was busy......"
I replied, not wanting to explain the situation. But Aizawa wasn't letting me get away with trailing of.
"Let me guess. You were with Bakugo, weren't you?"
Aizawa sat up and picked up Churchill, placing him in his lap.
"Well...I can't say he goes about things logically...but whatever makes you happy."
I looked at him, confused for a minute.

Then I realised what he was implying.

"W-what?! No! Katsuki and I are just friends honestly." I tried to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

Why does everyone think we're together?!

Then I remembered that there was something that had been lingering in the back of my mind since morning.
"Speaking of Katsuki.....what was up with this morning?"
Aizawa stared at me for a few seconds and grabbed his eye  dropper, placing the drops into his eyes. Then he said:
"Oh. He tried to break into the Principal's Office."
I almost tripped and fell.
"Watch your language."
"No." He got up from the couch and went to the fridge, grabbing a cup of instant ramen.
"I expected behaviour like that anyway from a brash person like him."
He placed the cup in the microwave, watching it rotate.
"BUT WHY?! HOW?! WHAT?!" I was pretty much perplexed.
Still keeping his eyes on the microwave, he replied in his normal, monotonous tone.

"Said something about 'finding the truth' or something like that. My guess is he wanted to look at some of the files for some reason. Probably wondering why Midoriya got in. They both have a history, that's for sure."
I definitely knew that  Midoriya wasn't his reason. I felt guilt almost immediately.

He must have been wondering about me....

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said. All Aizawa did was nod. I could tell he noticed. He was just pretending not to see because he understood I disliked extra attention like he did.

  I walked into my room and lay down on my bed. My first day of UA. I never thought I'd come this far. I never thought I'd even become  a hero.
But now I wasn't gonna let go of that dream.
I couldn't believe everything that had happened today. I'd met my childhood friend, got a crush on someone, and I already was friendly with people in the class.
I felt normal.
But most importantly,  I felt free.
Silence. That was always there. A constant reminder of my lonely life. The quiet always terrified me.
But it was the least of my worries.
"Now." He smirked. "Let's get to business."
He terrified me more than anything. More than the silence, more than the lives I had been forced to take. Because he was the cause of all of it. The cause of my pain and misery.  He grabbed the knife and held me down, leaving cuts all over my body.
It hurt. You couldn't  get used to the pain he delivered.
"Shoot." He placed a young girl in front of me, around the same age as I was then. She was shaking, crying and begging. She wanted to live. She probably had a family that loved and cared for her.
She was nothing like me.
Through my exhaustion and weak state, I attempted to create a blade. The girl  started screaming. And that was when I couldn't take it anymore. "I.....I refuse to shoot."
He looked at me in anger. " .....what?!"
I raised my voice.
"I SAID NO YOU SICK BASTARD!" It was then that my power rapidly increased with my emotions. He looked so taken aback that he couldn't retaliate. Blood emerged from my whole body, attacking him, destroying him. And then I grabbed the girl's hand and ran. She looked at me stunned, surprised this even happened. When we finally got far enough, I let go, and through pants and breaths, I told her to run away. To find her home. And I'll never forget how she thanked me that day.
It was only when she left that I realised what a poor state I was in. I had lost a lot of  blood, and my wounds could easily get infected. My eyes started closing as I lost consciousness.

I woke up with a start. Then realising where I was, I slowly calmed myself.
It's in the past. It's gone now. Focus on the now.
I stretched and got out of bed, beginning to get ready for my second day at UA. I was pretty excited. And yeah, I know that sounds dorky as fuck but this is UA that we're talking about. The best hero academy in the world.
I opened the door, realising Churchill was lying outside my door. He gave me a look that said:' I do what I want bitch.'  Which I returned with a 'like I give a damn' look.
Let's just say it took some time to get out of my room.
I walked into the kitchen, grabbing some quick coffee so I could stay awake. Aizawa was pretty much already at school, since teachers often went pretty early.
Suddenly my phone buzzed, and I realised someone was calling me.
I looked at the screen in confusion.
Unknown number....huh.....
Like the dumbass I was, I picked up.  Even though there was a chance I could hear a little girl whisper "7 days...." or some shit. Surprisingly enough, it was extremely different.
"Oh. So you are awake."
"How the hell did you get my number?!"
"THAT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER!!" I burst out laughing at that. Leave it to Katsuki to randomly get my number somehow, even though I didn't give it to anyone yesterday.
"Anyway....why did you wanna call?"
"I'm outside your house. "
"Yeah. I heard you lived with Aizawa Sensei, so...."
I was surprised he cared so much to actually figure out where I was currently living.
"" I inquired.
"So...." he continued."I was thinking we could walk to school. Since we're friends and stuff."
I sighed. "Wow. You're pretty straightforward hedgehog. "
I giggled. "Hold on. I'm on my way out."
I opened the door to greet the explosive, ash-blond boy with a grin.
"Let's go."

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