Chapter 3: Making Amends

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The rest of the tests pretty much went the same way. I managed to sail through most of them with ease , and so did Mina and Kirishima. And of course, Katsuki got high scores effortlessly.
"Hey Midoriya." I called to him. Currently Iida was taking the long jump test. He looked at me nervously.
"Yeah (Y/N)?"
"Ummm.....I was just wondering.... why aren't you using your quirk...."
he looked at me in surprise. Then he said.
"Do you think we could talk about this somewhere private?" I nodded, not sure what all the fuss was about. He and I slowly backed away from the other students.
"So." I said, once we had gotten to a good enough spot.
He looked at me sheepishly and scratched his head.
"Well......" it seemed like he was trying to pick up on what to say.
I arched an eyebrow. "Are you quirkless?"
"WHAT?! No! It's just...." he blushed. " My quirk can be a bit.... destructive......"
I immediately understood.
"So you need to get the hang of it, right? I get it. It's difficult to master a powerful quirk. Control is necessary."
"Yeah....." he looked at me confused. "You're taking this surprisingly easy (Y/N)."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"We should probably get back. Thanks for clearing that up Izuku."
" problem....." he was blushing again.
Has he never even talked to the opposite gender before ?
We made our way back. Luckily everyone was too busy fangirling over icy-hot to notice us. All except for Katsuki. He glared at me.
We're gonna have to talk properly soon. But I really don't want to....
I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel sympathy for Izuku. The poor kid lacked self control over his quirk, and Aizawa was not going to take that lightly. I could already tell he was unimpressed by Izuku's performance. So far Midoriya had received the weakest score in every single one of the events. All that was left was the softball throw, the seated toe-touch and endurance running.
It was now Izuku's turn to throw. He stood there nervously, getting ready.
What was he going to do?
"Midoriya better shape up, otherwise he'll be the one leaving today." Iida said to me.
"I really hope he shows us his amazing power!!!" The brown-haired girl - I think her name was Uraraka- said. She beamed at me. "What do you think (Y/N)?" I was about to reply but then guess who interrupted me?
Katsuki added himself to the conversation.
And now I must converse with cruel is fate......
"Um, that's not a hundred percent true."
"Huh?" Katsuki looked surprised I was even talking to him. I grinned and said:
"His quirk's just difficult to control. It's an all or nothing type of thing."
He cocked his head to the side skeptically.
"How do you know that?"
"Well." I scratched my head. "I did what any civilised person would do. I asked and he told me."
"(Y/N)'s right though." Iida joined in. "A bunch of us saw his huge blast at the entrance exam. After that, most of his bones were broken though."
I burst out laughing.
"OI, (N/N) {(N/N) stands for nickname}
Everyone gave him a weird look when he called me by my nickname. Then Uraraka finally said:
"Do you two know each other?"
"We're acquaintances, yes." I replied, wanting to just leave it at that.
"Really, cause sounds like more than just-"
"Hey, look!! Izuku's gonna finally toss!!!"
Everyone forgot about what just happened and just started staring at Midoriya. He was aiming, ready to fire the ball.
Was he gonna.....
He threw the ball.
"46 meters!!!" The reader announced. Izuku had a look of shock on his face. It only took a few seconds for me to realise:
He used his scarf to grab Izuku and talked with him privately for a moment. It was definitely not within earshot, but I could tell he was telling Izuku things like "you don't belong here." Or "they made the wrong decision in choosing you" or something like that, and Izuku's look of sorrow said it all. Then Aizawa strictly let him go and told him to take another shot at a throw.
"I wonder what he said?" Iida inquired curiously.
"Probably told him to start packing." Katsuki crossed his arms and looked at me, as though he was waiting for me to reply.
I nodded. "That seems probable."
Izuku stood there with a look of hopelessness on his face. Then he took a deep breath.....
And threw the ball.
"705.3 meters!!!!" The reader read.  The class gasped in amazement. I smiled lightly.
Good for him.
The most shocked, however, was definitely Katsuki.  He stood there, absolutely flabbergasted at this brand new revelation. It was then that I realised  the situation:
Izuku's score was 705.3. Katsuki's score was 705.2.
I put my hand over my mouth to try to prevent my laughter. It was so petty that I seriously couldn't help it.
"DEKU YOU BASTARD!!!!!" He lunged angrily at Izuku, but in spite of that I still thought the  whole situation was funny. Aizawa managed to restrain him with his scarf, and at that point I couldn't contain it anymore.
He's angry.....because....his score was 0.1 lower.....
"Language Bakugo." Aizawa added.
My laughter only continued.

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