Chapter 1: Why Are We Friends?!?

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Psych! It's Magnus

Santa Barbra 2000:

Magnus eyes grew wide when the waitress brought over his sundae, it was huge! This was his favorite thing about this place:

They had this really cool Sundae that was called a 'Rainbow Explosion' and it was the coolest thing ever!

It had Rainbow Sherbet, which was swirls of pink, green, and orange. It was topped with two different types of syrup:

A pretty bright blue, that was raspberry and a vivid reddish violet that was actually strawberry.

It was even topped with strawberries and cherries and had sprinkles that looked like glitter!

Magnus eagerly reached for his spoon, but was stopped when his dad snatched it away.

"Ugh, come on dad! It's gonna melt!" Magnus snapped, glaring at his father with a 'go to hell' look that only a nine year old deprived of ice cream could muster.

"Magnus, you know the drill, how many hats in the room?"

Magnus rolled his eyes "Fine, there are seven hats, now can I have my ice cream?"

Magnus reached again for the spoon, and again it was snatched away. Now the look he shot at his dad was bordering on murderous; Henry had had criminals that didn't look that furious with him.

"You're wrong, there are nine, what did you miss?"

"I didn't miss anything" Magnus fumed, counting them off on his fingers "guy in the corner with a truckers cap, teen girl at the table on the left with the stylish newsboy cap- it's really not her style, but always good to try something new-, two girls at the table with the softball team wearing theirs, another three of their teammates' are on the table. The guy in the 49r's cap left three minutes ago and the girl in the, trying to be trendy, cowboy hat is in the bathroom, so it is not in the room, therefore, was not counted." Oh, but he was not done yet, if his dad wanted to play this game, he'll play, alright,

"Also, there are two girls with head bands, three people with headphones, a girl with a bandana, and a guy over by the window that has a toupee that is bad enough I'm counting it as a hat anyways. Now can I PLEASE have my ice cream?!"

Henry handed him back the spoon.

Present Day:

"I'm telling you Raph; it would be the best advancement in technology ever! It would completely revolutionize the industry. We could make a fortune off this! We really need to get someone on this"

"Magnus," Raphael sighed, deadpan "An app that automatically makes all your phone icons glittery and allows you to sort your contacts by level of hotness is not the advance of the human race that you think it is"

"You just lack vision and my flair"

"Thank god for that", Raphael muttered.

Magnus gasped, in mock outrage.

"How did I ever end up with such a cranky old man as a best friend?"

"Mags' I'm almost three years younger than you"

"Semantics, darling. I have known you since middle school, and even than you acted like an unpleasant 70 year old"

"Well, I guess I just have an old soul, that's why we work so well together. I seem mature beyond my years, and you are 29 going on 12"

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