Chapter 5: What do you think, Detective?

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Just a bit of a continuation of the interrogation, a way to tie up the scene

Chapter Text


The room was silent for a moment, then

"What do you mean, you're psychic?" Alec snapped

"Well, how many ways can I mean that, darling? I had told you that I realized it while watching the news. I did say I saw it, I just was a bit, deceptive, in what I meant by 'saw'" Magnus explained, with a smirk.

Okay, so, this wasn't really were he was originally going to go with this. but the detective wasn't buying the truth, and if it was between being a psychic or a suspect; well then, psychic it is.

Alec scoffed "So, what, you saw it in a 'Vision'? You really expect anyone to believe that?"

"Precisely. As I told you before, Detective, I am a man of many talents" Magnus purred,

Then softer, "you'd be amazed at just how skilled I am" moving a bit closer

"And so modest, too" Alec retorted, not backing down,

Oh, yeah, Magnus liked this guy

"It's not bragging if it's the truth"

Alec rolled his eyes at that "My god, how narcissistic can you be?"

"Darling; I'm merely stating the facts, if it comes off as bragging, well, I guess I'm just that good," Magnus smirked

Alec stepped closer, not intimidated in the least,

"I don't believe in any of that psychic, supernatural, voodoo, type crap. I don't know where you got your information, but it wasn't from some spirits or a crystal ball or the universe, or whatever else, I know that" he declared,

"tsk, tsk, Detective, so certain? You shouldn't be so quick to dismiss something just because you don't understand; you're just, so sure"

"Oh, yeah, on this, I'm sure" Alec countered leaning closer

"I can prove it to you, if you would like, Detective" Magnus purred, deciding to play a hunch

Alec gestured, "Oh, please, let's see it, psychic"

"The folder that dear Simon brought in? It has all the tips I have phoned in, anonymously, over the years. That is my proof."

He smirked, raising an eyebrow and daring Alec to contradict him

Alec was unmoved, "that doesn't prove that your psychic" he argued

Magnus gave a rather harsh laugh

"Well, it's ether I'm psychic, or I actually had a hand in all those crimes. Come now, Detective. Surely, you're much more intelligent than that; it would be just such a disappointment if you weren't"

Alec glared, seemingly at a loss to a counter to this, but not willing to give on the point

"Now, my darling Detective, it appears that you have two options; Either, I am one of the most prolific criminals in the history of Santa Barbra,

Or, I'm a psychic" Magnus leaned a bit closer, they were less than a foot apart, nearly touching,

"Which do you believe, Detective" Magnus asked, in nearly a whisper

The moment was broken when Dax slammed out of the room, startling Alec and Magnus, both just remembering that they had an audience

Alec shook his head, seemingly breaking the spell and, without another word, turned to the door to follow Dax

"Magnus, We should talk" Luke said gesturing for Magnus to follow him out of the room

"Wow, that was weirdly hot" Simon said to the empty room


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