Chapter 2: Ready To Face the Day

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Magnus gets a rude awakening and prepares to meet with a cranky, insolent detective


"What the hell!?" Magnus shouted, tumbling off his bed, as Beyoncés, Crazy In Love blared from his phone. Trying to untangle himself from his bedding and making a mental note to ether change his ringtone (not happening, It's Beyoncé,) or at least turn down his ringer, he angrily searched for his phone, which seems to be somewhere in the mess of bedding on the floor. Following the sound he finds it and irritably jabs the answer button with a bit more force than necessary. "Yes, what is it!?" he snaps. Who the hell was calling him at the ungodly hour of, he glanced at the clock, 7:30 in the morning?

"Hello, is this Magnus Bane?" a deep, rather nice, voice inquires.

"Yes it is, who's this?" he asks, still rather irritated- a nice voice doesn't fix the fact that it is Seven freaking thirty in the morning!

"Mr. Bane, this is Head Detective Alec Lightwood of the SBPD? I was calling to follow up on a tip that you called in the other evening regarding the museum robbery. We had a few follow up questions. We need you to come down to the station."

Magnus sighed, that tip was supposed to be anonymous. "Yes, I suppose I can come in, I'll be in later today."

"Mr. Bane, It is a matter of the upmost Importance, this really should be handled as soon as possible." the detective said sharply

Okay, now that was just rude, "Now you listen here Mr. Lightwood: I said, I would be in and I will; but it will be, as it is MY information you need and MY morning you so rudely interrupted, on MY own, damn time. I will see you this afternoon. Good bye." Magnus hung up the phone, wishing it wasn't a cell phone, simply for the satisfaction of slamming the phone down.



After a very long shower Magnus, Clad in his favorite purple dressing gown and matching pajama pants, leisurely made his way to the dining room. Raphael was at work already, he was a pharmaceutical rep. It actually suited him quite well; he was a great mix of charming, flirtatious, and terrifying that seemed to be very proficient at drumming up sales. Magnus took quite a bit of delight in loudly asking him about the drug business when they were out in public, which was probably why there were times when he'd act as if he didn't know Magnus when they were in public. He grabbed a cup of coffee and a muffin for a nice, peaceful breakfast. He briefly thought of attempting to cook something else, mainly because it would take longer and he could make the rude, stuffy sounding detective wait just that much longer.

He put that idea aside, as Raphael had banned him from using anything in the kitchen but the coffee pot and the microwave after his last attempt at cooking. In Magnus' opinion that was a bit of an overreaction. The fire hadn't been that big, the dish towel was hideous, it's not like it was that much of a loss, and he'd been meaning to change the drapes anyway. It wasn't like the smell lasted that long, and it was spring, they'd of had the windows open anyway. Raphael simply refused to see the logic in all these points; he could be so stubborn sometime!

Magnus took his breakfast out onto the balcony, setting at the little bistro style table and chair set. They really had a lovely view from the apartment. You could see the beach, and the sunset was always pretty breathtaking. Magnus supposed that the sunrise was nice too, but as the only time he saw that was when he was just getting home around dawn, he'd never really bothered to check too much.

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