Chapter 4: Interrogations can be fun

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Interrogations can be very entertaining

Chapter Text


Alec led Magnus down the hall and into one of the interrogation rooms.

"Why don't you take a seat, Mr. Bane so we can get this all straightened out", Alec said

Magnus crossed the room and gracefully took the seat.

"You are going to sit as well, Are you not, Alec?"

"No, I'm not, and actually, It's Detective Lightwood"

Magnus raised an eyebrow at the tone. Ah, so that was how this was, an actual interrogation. Oldest trick in the book, have the perp sit so you appear bigger, coming across as more of an authority figure. Making them think they were at a disadvantage and ready to confess from the anxiety.  He laughed to himself; Henry used to use that when he'd catch him sneaking in after curfew. He smiled, oh, this could be fun

"Well, then Detective" he began,

putting as much innuendo into the term as possible, which, with him, was a lot

"I'm afraid you have me at a bit of a, disadvantage, as I did not realize there was anything that was in need of clarification." He moved, crossing his legs and shifting to the side, he leaned forward folding one arm over in front of him and resting his chin one the other hand. Alecs' eyes traced every movement widening slightly, "of course, I'd do anything to be of assistance to you, all you need to do let me know what you want" he practically purred.

"Uh, w-well, I, um", Alec stammered, his cheeks flushing. He sat down in the other chair,

Oh, he was adorable, so flustered!

He cleared his throat again, then sat up straight, leaning over the table towards Magnus

"Mr. Bane" He began

"Please, call me Magnus, Detective"

He gave an exasperated sigh, but blushes even more,

"Fine, Magnus. Would you care to explain how you came to know about the robbery?"

"Hmm, well, let's see," Magnus began, pretending to think and tapping his bottom lip, once again Alec's eyes tracked the movement

"Well, you see, Detective, I was watching the news and just happened to notice a few things."

Alec scoffed, "You were watching the news,"

"Yes, darling, I do that from time to time, always good to keep up with current events, after all"

"And what, you expect me to believe that you just happened to see something that every Detective and officer working the case missed?"

"Mmm, what can I say? I'm a man of many talents," Magnus smirked,

"You'd be amazed what I can do"

"Wel-" Alec began, but he was cut off by the door opening.

Dax, entered, followed by another man. He was dark skinned, tall, about Alec's height. A bit older, maybe late thirties to early forties, with a nearly shaved head and immaculate facial hair, He was quite handsome, there was also something slightly familiar about him.

Alec instantly stood up,

"Good afternoon, Mr. Bane, I'm Chief Luke Garroway, thank you for coming down here today. Don't  mind me, I'm just observing the interview" he said with a pleasant, welcoming smile, moving to one side of the room letting the detectives take the floor.

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