Chapter 3: Uniforms Don't work for Everyone

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Magnus sees Alec, He is just absolutely perfect....
Then he starts talking


Okay couple things. Once again, I have been quite a bit of set up here.
I wanted a partner for Alec, who would end up leaving -similar to what happened with Lassiter's partner in the first episode.
He's just a random OC, He's a jackass. He is in a bit of a relationship with Alec, but that'll end by the next chapter, so I didn't even bother tagging it
He's not going to be around enough for me to even bother finding a character to base him on.

I named Him Dax Ramsey
because I was looking up name meanings and those two made me laugh the most

Dax= Badger
Ramsey=Island on which garlic Grows

I Mean, it sounds like a cool detective name, but really, Garlic Badger, was the big selling point.

Just FYI:
Magnus means Greatness
Alexander Means Great Protector
Seems about right:)

Chapter Text


Normally he'd of headed straight to the station after leaving home, but the abruptness of the detective had brought out his petty side. He decided to swing by Dot's to see how the night had went. She had been his manager at Pandemonium for the last two years and was great at dealing with all the unpleasant, headache inducing aspects of the club. She came off as a cute, funny, almost modern day hippy type women when you first met her, and she was, as long as you stayed on her good side. Magnus felt sorry for the people who underestimated her. The woman seemed a force of nature when angered. She was strong, protective, and fierce, with a temper that could truly be terrifying. She had a way of cutting someone down with a few choice words, completely stopping them in their tracks, that was truly a sight to behold. Magnus had seen her bring more than a few arrogant, entitled jackasses, crooked contractors/workers, and wannabe tough guys to tears in a matter of minutes.

As Magnus pulled into the drive he saw her just locking the door, absently typing on her phone. She was wearing a cute, kind of gauzy, flowered, sunny yellow top with some faded blue jeans and bright, strappy gold heels. Her dark hair was pulled into a loose, high ponytail, with some strands escaping and framing her face. She had large gold hoops in her ears and a pretty necklace with a rhinestone butterfly pendant. She looked lovely; she also looked way more dressed up than she usually did in her off time. He strides up the walk.

"Well, hello gorgeous, and just what are you up to?" Magnus teased, lightly. Seemingly startled, she glanced up, just now realizing his presence. Curious, she was usually pretty observant. Now Magnus was really intrigued.

"Hey, Mags, Did you need something? I'm actually heading out, I have a brunch date with Lilly" She said, blushing slightly.

"Oh, really" This actually was news. She'd had more than a bit of a crush on the pretty goth girl for a while now.

"Yeah, she asked me for my number last night, and texted me this morning, so, I don't know, maybe she likes me?"

"Darling, of course she does. She'd be a fool not to. And I told you, the only reason she comes to the club is to talk to you. If she ever comes in and you're off she doesn't stay ten minutes, but when you're there she stays almost till we close." Magnus reassured her.

"You think?" she asked, bashfully

"I know"

"So, did you need anything, or was this just a visit, I don't mean to rush off, but, well, you know..."

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