Chapter 6: Psychic detective agency?

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Almost everything gets tied up

Chapter Text


Alec followed Dax out of the room, finally catching up with him near the records hall,

"Dax, wait" he called

He turned, facing Alec, glaring

"Just what the hell was that in there?" Dax demanded

"What, I was interviewing him"

"Oh, please! He was flirting with you, working you, and you just ate it up"

Alec rolled his eyes, "I did not, I was calling him out on his lie; how is that flirting?" Alec Demanded

"Don't be so naive, Alec, he was working you and you went for it. And he outed us in front of everyone,"

"Just calm down, it's not that bad" Alec placated

"Not that bad! Did you hear what he said? I can't believe he did that, and in front of the chief! He won't get away with this"

"You know, it wouldn't even of been a problem if we were just open about our relationship" Alec Ventured

Dax Scoffs rolling his eyes,

"Yeah, cause that'd go over well; like they'd really promote me to chief if they knew I was screwing my partner"

Alec raised an eyebrow at that, he leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and took a deep breath,

"Look, Now that they brought Luke on its kind of irrelevant-"

Dax snorted "Oh, come on, that's not gonna last" Dax countered

"Why? I mean, everything I've heard about Garroway says he's been nothing but a great, respectable detective his entire career. he has an exemplary record, numerous accommodations. He rose up in the ranks of one of the toughest precincts in the country. He made chief there when he was just 30, he was chief there for more than a decade. Under him their closer rate went from being barely average, to one of the highest in the nation."

"Oh there's something he's hiding. No one's that good" He sneered

" Everyone has something that they've done that they regret"

"You're right about that" Alec said, pointedly looking at Dax

The look went unnoticed

"My dad has a few people who are experts at digging up dirt, when I find what it is I can take it to the commissioner and get him out"

"-uh huh, hey Dax; why wouldn't they choose me for chief?"

He rolled his eyes "Oh, Alec, don't be so stupid! You don't want to be chief. It's always been part of my 5 year plan.

Besides, why would they pick you over me?" he asked, the question almost dripping condescension

Alec shrugged,

"well, I've worked more cases than you. I have a higher record of closed cases than you from before we were partnered. Plus I am the head detective; logically, of the people at this station, I should be the next in line for the job"

"I solved the Hernandez case last year, it was the biggest case in decades" Dax declared

"Actually; I found the lead that pointed us to the killer. I combed files and compared witness statements till I found where he was hiding. I lead the negotiations when he barricaded himself in the theater. I even lead the raid when we stormed the place, disarmed him, and cuffed him."

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