Chapter 7: Falling For You

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The cuties finally meet


I know this is really short, sorry, but I really love it!

Also, this was one of the first scenes I had worked out.
I did it like this for two reasons: First because it would be a cute, if somewhat cliche, sweet way to end it;
The main reason for having it like this is so when Simon and Raphael DO get together Simon can constantly annoy people with joking about how he "fell" for Raphael ( I couldn't resist)

***Last thing? I know like 90% of what Simon says/thinks ends in exclamation points, but it just seemed so like him. At this point, he's pretty much just an adorable, excitable puppy, masquerading as a cop. He'll grow as we move on ( but not so much that he completely loses that feel)

Chapter Text


What an AMAZING day! Simon thought, ecstatically. SO much had happened. He had met a real, actual psychic; and he was just about the coolest person ever! Simon had never met someone like him. He even seemed to actually like him; he actually even remembered his name, after just hearing it once! It seemed like they could be really great friends.

He was so confident too! Simon had never seen a guy with so much style, it was just so cool, like; how could he even know how to do that? Simon lived in his Star Wars shirt and skinny jeans, but with Magnus? Everything just seems somehow so skilled but at the same time totally effortless, it was incredible!

He still couldn't believe how brave Magnus had been around Detective Ramsey. He had been kind of relieved when he'd heard that he was leaving, Simon never really felt right around him. You always had to be watching your back. To Simon, he'd always seemed like he was up to something, like, shifty, something was just sort of off about the guy.

The way Magnus had stood up to him, Oh my GOD! It was just amazing. He'd never saw anyone talk to him like that, never seen him practically cower. He'd always seemed to have to have the last word, but with Magnus? With Magnus he'd just been left speechless. Completely shut down. Simon couldn't believe he got to work with him!

And, and he was an actual Detective now! Okay, so technically a junior detective, but still! Not only that, but he got to partner with Alec! Alec was, to him, the absolute best detective on the force. He was so brave and determined. He was really serious most of the time, and could be kinda cold or stoic, but it never really came off as, like, mean or anything. It was more just that he took his job so seriously that he got lost in it sometimes. He really hoped this partnership worked out well, he wanted to learn everything he possibly could from Alec. Simon wanted to be exactly like him.

As his mind kept spinning this around and around Simon busied himself with gathering the files, Chief Garroway had asked him to pull for Magnus. He couldn't believe that the chief had actually been willing to give him a chance. It was just amazing, it had been his dream ever since he was a kid, and it was happening! Yeah, he had taken the detectives exam, he had actually scored really well on it; one of the best grades in the class. But still; part of him had doubted he'd get a chance. He'd been so glad when they'd brought in Chief Garroway after Harrison had retired. Simon had really been worried that Detective Ramsey was going to end up chief; that would have been horrible!

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