Chapter 3

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"You can't even stand on your own," Red said. "How do you expect to get to your house?"

"Someone can always take me..." I sounded kind of pissed, but I wasn't really.

"What was that?"


"Shiro, let her get her dog and bring it back," Pink said.

"Allura, Coran already has enough to clean up," Black said.

"I can take care of him," I chimed in.

"I can help! I love dogs!" Pink said.

Black sighed. "Fine. Keith, go with Allura and (Y/N) to get her dog and her clothes," Black said.

Red scoffed then walked next to me. He put my arm around his neck and pulled me up. I limped over to the elevator with Red and Pink.

"While we're out, I'm getting you crutches. This is going to be a pain," Red said.

"Well, maybe if you didn't shoot me..." I said.

"What was that?" Red asked.


"That's what I thought."

Red carried me into the elevator and Pink followed. Pink pressed the button for the first floor and the door closed. The elevator went down then stopped and the door opened again. Pink walked in front of Red and I Because we would've slowed her down. When we got outside in the parking garage, Pink went up to a white BMW 4 Series with teal assets to it and hopped into the driver's seat. Red put me into the back seat and he sat up front with Pink. After giving Pink directions, and a drive that took forever, we made it my house. Pink stepped out of the vehicle and admired the view. Red opened the door for me and helped me out of the car. (House is picture above, just with a city behind it and more houses like it around it)

"Nice home," Pink said.

"It's kind of messy on the inside," I answered.

"That's fine, let's go in and see the doggo!" Pink said.

Pink ran up to the front door and impatiently waited for Red and I to get to the door.

"Do you have your keys?" Red asked.

"No, they were taken from me while I was knocked out," I answered coldly.

"How the heck are we supposed to get in?" Red asked getting irritated.

"Relax, there's a spare key in the flower pot," I said pointing to the flower pot it key was in. Pink went to get it.

"Why would you hide a key there? That's one of the first places anyone would think to put it," Red criticized.

"Are we going to stand here criticize everything I do, or are we going to go inside?" I asked noticing Pink was already in the house.

"You call this messy? It's beautiful in here too!" Pink said.

"I always thought it was messy..." I said.

"Please, if you've ever seen the boy's rooms, you would think this is the cleanest place in the world," Pink said.

"Oh, I guess so," I said.

"Where's your room?" Red asked me.

"Upstairs," I told him.

"And your dog?" Pink asked.

"He probably locked himself somewhere," I answered. "Dodo!"

After I called his name, I heard barking from upstairs. I hobbled upstairs with the help of Red and finally made it to the top. I saw the door to the bathroom closed and noticed that was out of the ordinary. Then I heard barking coming from behind the door.

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