Chapter 17

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~2 Weeks Later~

Keith hasn't been letting me leave his sight unless I'm in the bathroom. He's even moved me into his room to keep a better eye on me. He claims it's for my safety, but I know it's just so he's able to sleep at night.

I've almost fully recovered physically from the torture Zarkon and Hagar has put me through, however, mentally was a different story. If it weren't for Keith being with me at night, I would
be suffering from nightmares all night, which is part of the reason I'm okay with sleeping with Keith.

I couldn't help but think that if I just knew how to defend myself, I wouldn't have gotten into that situation. I couldn't help but feel as though it was my fault.

I needed to learn how to defend myself.

"Keith?" I asked the man that was sitting behind me playing with my hair. I got a hum as an answer, telling me to continue. "Could you teach me how to defend myself?"

"Why?" He asked.

"In case something like what happened with Zarkon happens again. I want to be able to defend myself until you come to save me." I knew saying that he would come save me would soften him up.

"Hm," Keith thought for a moment, "I guess it wouldn't hurt." I silently fist pumped. "We'll start tomorrow."

"Okay!" I said excitedly.

Yes, even though I was a police officer, it's been so long since I've been out on the job and fighting, that I've forgotten all of my hand to hand combat skills and the fact that I can't shoot a gun doesn't help in the slightest.

"Would you like to work on your shooting as well?" Keith asked.

"You know I can—"

"Don't say you can't. If you were able to do it before, you can do it now," Keith said.

"I'll think about it," I told Keith. "What are you even doing to my hair?"


"Keith?" I asked sternly.

I felt Keith tug on my hair one more time before saying he was done.

"Keith you better not have knotted my hair," I warned.


"Keith!" I yelled looking a mirror.

"Gotta blast!" Keith yelled as he ran out of the door and into the hallway.

"Keith! You better get your ass back here!" I yelled after him, chasing him. "Could someone stop him?!"

I got into the living room and looked around. Keith was no where to be seen. "KEITH!"

"What's all this yelling abo— holy hair!" Allura said.

"Help me find Keith?" I asked Allura.

"Ah, so he did that to you?" Allura asked. I nodded. "You take that part of the penthouse," she pointed back to where I came from, "I'll take this one," she pointed to where she came from.

"Got it," I nodded and went back to check everywhere.

I opened door after door, not being able to find him. I stopped at the last door, hoping this would be the one. I opened the door and looked inside checking everywhere. Eventually, I found Keith under the bed.


I heard footsteps coming from down the hallway. Allura entered the room out of breath.

"Did you find him?" Allura asked in between pants.

"Yeah. He's under the bed. He's not coming out," I explained.

"We can wait him out," Allura said.

"Sounds like a—"

"Okay, okay, ladies, I give up," Keith said, getting out from underneath the bed.

"Keith? You called for backup?" Shiro asked as he entered the room.

"Help me get away from these crazy women!" Keith pleaded.

"What did he do?" Shiro asked us.

"Do you not see my hair?!" I asked.

"Holy— Keith!" Shiro scolded.

"What?!" Keith called. "Shiro! You're supposed to be on my side!" Keith tried going back under the bed but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"So about that mullet?" I asked.


"Not cool, Y/N," Keith poured as I continued to add baby bows in his hair.

"THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT YOU PUT MY THROUGH! I'm still pulling knots out of my hair!"

Suddenly, a message was sent over the intercom system.

"Allura, Coran, Shiro, Keith, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, there's someone wanting to meet with you down here. It's urgent," the woman on the other side of the intercom said.

"Send them up," I heard Allura call from the next room.

I put a couple more bows in Keith's hair before he stood up and walked towards the door. He turned back to look at me expectantly.

"Are you coming?" Keith asked.

"I'm allowed to go? This isn't some sort of meeting that I can't go to?" I asked.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight," Keith responded.

"But you did earlier—"

"Shhhhh, come on," Keith said.

I stood up and walked over to Keith. He opened the door for me and we walked out towards the living room to be met with a surprise.

"Well, hello again, Dear," The man clad in purple said with a wink.

"What's he doing here?" Keith asked getting protective of me and squeezing my hand.

"I'd like to take down my father."

A/N: So I took a month long hiatus so I could get my mind right, but go read all about that in my other fanfic.

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