Chapter 20

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At the PD
3rd POV

"As far as we know, Detective L/N is working with Voltron! It's too dangerous to send a search party after her!" One of the police officers reasoned with Mason.

"Tell me who your chief of police is!" Mason yelled at the officer. "Tell me!"

"How do we know you're not working with Voltron!" Nancy asked Mason.

Mason turned around angrily glaring at Nancy. Her face didn't falter.

"What?" He snarled out with a sharp 'T.'

"You were the last one to see her. If what you're saying is correct, she went to your home and begged you for help. You left her at your home for anything to happen to her instead of bringing her into the station to help us with this investigation," Nancy explained. "What if you lead Voltron straight to her?"

"You've always been suspicious of me, haven't you, Nancy?" Mason asked.

"I'm not obligated by law to answer that," Nancy stated.


Back with Voltron

"Achoo!" I sneezed out of the blue.

"Bless you," Shiro called from the next room over.

I didn't respond to him as I was helping Lotor with his plan.

"You know Allura well, what does she like?" Lotor asked me.

"Just be upfront and honest with her. I think she likes roses. Get some alone time with her, I don't know. Try fixing the engine of a car together? She likes cars," I told Lotor, not really caring.

"So, basically, I need to take the car battery out of her car, get her to go somewhere, and just happen to be passing by when she's having car troubles then help her fix her car?" Lotor twisted my words.

That's not what I said at all, "Exactly."

"Perfect! Great plan, Y/N! I'll go do that now, can you ask her to get Dodo some more food?" Lotor asked.

"Yeah, of course," I told him half way paying attention.

"Okay, bye!" Lotor said as he left me alone in the room.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, making my way to find Allura so I could ask her what Lotor wanted me to. I found her in her study, organizing differen books.

"Allura, can you go get Dodo food?" I asked.

"Has he run out?" Allura asked.

"No, but he's about to," not a lie, actually, Dodo is about to run out of food.

"Yeah, sure, I'll get him some food," Allura said.

I left Allura in her study and made my way to Keith's room so that I could tell him what Lotor and I did today.

I opened the door to Keith's room without knocking and saw an adorable sight. I wish I could take a picture of it. Keith was sleeping and he looked so innocent.

Not wanting to bother him, I slowly got into bed with him. Almost immediately, his arm was around me and he became the big spoon.

I heard him toss around a couple times before I heard, "Y/N? I thought you were with Lotor?"

I giggled at his groggy voice because of how unnatural it was for him. "I just got back, Sleepy Head."

"Oh really? What happened?" Keith asked.

"It doesn't matter right now, go to sleep," I told Keith.

"Sleep is nice," Keith snuggled closer to me and soon fell asleep.

"Yes it is, you big baby," I giggled before falling asleep myself.

3rd POV

"Dammit! Why isn't this working?" Allura said as she slammed the car door shut and popped the hood of the car.

Lotor hadn't taken out her battery, that would be too suspicious, but he did give her car a little too much electricity.

"Allura?" Lotor called out to the mafia princess.

"Lotor? What are you doing out here? I thought you were inside?"

"Ah, I had a phone call," Lotor said. "Are you having car trouble?"

"Yeah, I am," Allura said chuckling a little.

"Think I could help?" Lotor asked.

"Go ahead, please!" Allura told him.

Lotor looked at the insides of the car pretending not to know what was wrong. He touched the car battery to make the story believable and brought his hand back getting shocked. (Idk how cars work don't mind me)

"Your battery's fried," Lotor concluded.

"How did that happen? I literally just got this car," Allura said.

The weather was colder than normal and Allura didn't have a jacket so she was hugging herself trying to warm herself.

"Are you cold?" Lotor asked.

"No, I'm okay," Allura said dismissing the idea.

Lotor, who had a jacket, didn't buy Allura's lie and took his jacket off throwing it on Allura's head. Allura, shocked, pulled the jacket off her head and looked at Lotor who was seeing if there was anything he could do for the car.

"Go ahead and put it on, I can't wear a jacket while working on this anyways, it gets in my way," Lotor insisted.

Allura, not saying anything, quickly put on Lotor's jacket and was automatically engulfed in his lingering warmth.

Lotor continued to work on the car for a while longer. He stood up and told Allura to try to turn on the engine. The car started working and Allura quickly got out of the car happily.

She hugged Lotor beaming with joy and repeating, "Thank you," over and over again.

Lotor hesitantly hugged her back trying to make it seem like this wasn't his plan all along.

"I really liked this car," Allura pulled away and scratched the back of her neck.

"It is a good car," Lotor said.

"I, uh, I should probably get going. Dodo can't make his own food," Allura said as she quickly got into her car.

Lotor waved at Allura through the windshield and turned around to walk back into the building.

He was distracted by a call. He looked at his phone and quickly picked it up.


"They're starting to suspect me."

"That's no good. No good at all. Hmm..."

"I don't know how much longer I can take. We need to do something now."

"Okay. Start Plan B now."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't disappoint me, Mason."

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