Invited To The Battlefield EDITED

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imperial moon demon army.
The people who founf you after that fateful day.
The gave you clothes, food and roof over your head.
And ever since you were fourteen you been training every singe day to help the forces face off against the vampires, help humanity rise to the top once more!

Tho it did come with a few complications.. Y/N had to give up her soul and make a contract with a demon in order to hold a cursed weapon in her hand.
It was a special one. Most were green or red.
Y/N was blue

You made a contract with a demon not long ago,her name was Kayla.

"(y/n)!! We are going to be send on a battlefield! Aren't you afraid? "asked your best friend Marilyn." me? afraid? Ha! Don't make me laugh! I waited long enough for my revenge!" you smirked pulling out your cursed gear

" me? afraid? Ha! Don't make me laugh! I waited long enough for my revenge!" you smirked pulling out your cursed gear

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It was a sword. Simple but deadly. your demon was proud you think that so she decided to leave you be for the day.
"shess chill out!lets go eat and rest, we will be leaving tomorrow. "she said and you nodded your  head.

Later that night as you were in your room finishing up and getting ready for bed you felt a cold chill climb up your spine as you fell asleep


You were running from him. Ferid bathory was chasing you down the hall of an building. You were terrified.
As you pulled out your sword and came face to face with him. He only chuckles and said something that almost make you collapse. "long time no see, my pet~" 

You wake up sweating in your bed. "i didn't have this dream in so long..." you said and lay back down wondering what if he still remembers you?

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