scared livestock of strong vampire

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your pov

ferid was yelling..its the first you actualy hear him do that. you looked at him confused as he tried his best to cover it up with his usall smirk."ferid.what is going on?" you said knowing he hod no intention on telling you. his smirk faded as he got up "nothing you have to worry about~"he sing as he got closer to you . you took a step back and looked him dead in the eyes, eveyitime he wants to hide something from you he plays dumb. he clicked his tongue as he desipered."what the hell?!" you yelled as two arms wrapped around your waist holding you in place. what was his deal? you thouth as he he held your hand gently. "you dont have to worry about this.." . he whispered in your ear, something was up and you could tell he had no intentions of telling you. you sigh and held his hand laying your head on his chest " fine.." you said as you relaxed. but supriseingly everytime when you and ferid can relax someone has to intrefre. the door to his office fly open as werry angry queen Krul stormed in. her red glowing eyes were full of rage darted at ferid. you gluped scared of pink haired vampire noble. Ferid smiled as held your hand tightly telling you everything was fine. "oho~our dear queen decided to pay me a wisit and meet my lover?~ please dont be jealous kruly~" he said standing infrot of you. Krul was even more pissed off my this and kicked him on the ground"god damnit ferid!! we have a situation here!!!" she yelled stepping on his neck. now that wasnt the smartest because in the next second you had the queen herself pined against the wall with bouth of your hands wrapped around her neck, she gasped as you growled at her "dont touch him.". ferid slowly sit up and smirked at Krul that was despretly trying to get out of your grip

#newborn vampires are really strong , they are usally stronger then purebloods at first few weeks so they can survive.

"w-what the - Ferid! you turned a livestock into a vampire?!" she yelped as you let go of her and snaped out of your rage-mode. you instantly bowed down to her "m-my apologize my queen! i-i have no idea what just happened.." you said as she looked down at you. full two minutes passed as you did not dare to move, if you were to be a vampire you at least have to respect your new queen. she finaly speaked up, insted of a punishment that you thouth she would demand upon you, "rise,and tell me whats your name?" you were confused at first but you obeyed and rise up, you two are almost the same hight.  "Y/N , my queen," you said looking down. "well Y/N, lets get going, 15 progenator such as yourself must not waste time with ferid. we have important meeting. "with that she glared at Ferid once more and left the room with a smirk on her face.


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