Song Bird

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(y/n)'s pov:

You wake up feeling something holding you down, at first you thought ferid have tied you up in his prison cell but when you opened your eyes you saw a hand hugging you. what the heck?! You turned around to be two inches away from face of sleeping ferid. You panicked, he had bit you last night and left you in his bed. You didn't understand why would he take you away from your friends and save you from a falling building but it just scared you more what dose he want from me? You asked your self as he slowly opened his eyes and smirked "morning little lamb~" he said in a sing song voice and and placed a hand on your neck "dose it hurt?"his voice was smooth and gentle, not the usual amusing and playful. You nod your head and ferid got off the bed. He didn't had a shirt on. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! you blushed madly seeing him shirtless and realizing that you were practically cuddling with him minute ago. Ferid chuckles "like what you see?~" he asked grabbing a shirt from the closet and getting dressed. You looked awey not planning to watch him get dressed. Suddenly he grabbed your chin, now fully dressed, ferid was right in front of you "I have a job to do today, and you are to stay put in this room. If you try running away again I will punish you, and trust me it won't feel good like Last one~" he dragged his nails along your cheek down to your neck "understand?~" he smirked and continued to drag his nails down to your shoulders and down your sides. You shivered at his touch, you nod in response once again and he dragged his nails upwards "I didn't hear you~" he teased going over your neck again "y-yes" you said cursing yourself for looking weak before him. "good girl~" he patted your head with a smirk he have something in mind and it's going to be bad... You thought and he laughed like he read your mind "I will be off to work but I will be back tonight~" he left the room quickly without locking the door. "i with be back tonight" you mocked his voice clearly annoyed by him. You let out a sigh looking around the room trying to find something to kill boredom.

Ferid's pov:

Flash back~

I carried (y/n) to my room last night, I didn't trust her alone. After I tasted blood of hers... her blood was so sweet.. So pure, she had passed out when I left to finish my work for a day, when I returned (y/n) was under my red covers sleeping peacefully. I couldn't help but smile at her. I took off my clothes and lay down next to (y/n) and hugged her she instantly hugged my hand and I fell asleep shortly after.felling something in my chest.

End of flash back

I let out a sigh,i finaly finished my paper work and i given it back to crul. bugging Mika got really boring except for what he gets over the edge and tries to cut off my head so I decided to go back to my little pet. When I walked to door off my room I hear... Singing?

(y/n)'s pov:

You were sitting next to the window looking at the clouds, it's get really boring so you started to humble your favorite tune, and before you know it you begin to sing the song (I put it at the top). You didn't realize that ferid was standing at the door listening to you. Until he clapped his hand "my, my I didn't know I have a little songbird~" he said walking over to you. You blushed at his words "you have beautiful voice~" he added as he sees your face getting red. He chuckles and pointed at the door at the oder side of the room you didn't even notice. "go get cleaned up, I left some clothes for you there"he said and whispered in your ear" and then you can sing for me, my songbird~"


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