the battle of self

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The cries of soldiers, clashing of swords and weppons echoed through the fallen city you once called your home. It was oh so long time ago before all of this took place, when you called yourself human, now you were covered in blood of the soildgers you called the higher-ups once.

Mikaela was strong willed and filled by power, he knew for who he was fighting for, his family. He didn't have a side, he knew you was his side and that all that mattered to him

Y/N and Mikaela pushed trough the battlefield. Weppons drawn ready to slay anyone in their way.
Her eyes locked with Yuus as she closed in.
The time felt as if it slowed down. White uniform and blazing red eyes, she wasn't the same.
He stopped in his tracks as Mikaela ans you aproched them. Shinoa stood infront of yuu who seemed lost for a few seconds.
A growl came from Mika as he charged at them. Yoichi who stood by now in hand noticed Y/N

"No way.." he muttered

She simply flashed him a smile "long time no see"

Her words woke yuu from his state "Mika!!" He cried stepping between him and shinoa.
He didn't want any more bloodshed
"Family reunion latter we must flee if we wish to keep you alive" y/n warned them.

The queen watched them from the building. The humans were losing and the battle they started.she rose her hand in victory.
From the other side ferid watched her. His normal attitude comepleatly changed. His sences were on high alert as his gase couldn't leave you. His heart, that long stopped beating, felt as if it was arching to just dive down and save you. To rip you from this madness, give you a normal life.

Lacus sword clashed infront of yoichi as he jumped back falling into the dust.
"We need them alive" Mikaela growled at him
"Why?" Lacus whined "they are only cattle Mikaela, remember
My words. One day you will understand us"

There was too much to process at the moment, the battle was rageing, people dieing and you couldn't handle this nonsense..
"Capture them! Take them to the mansion of the seventh progenitor, of there is any complains, I will be responsible"  y/n said.

Shinoa screamed as lacus took a hold of her. The purplehaired girl had a mark on her face..the demon was getting out of control
"You traitor!" She spat "let us go!we want nothing to do with someone who turns their back on their own kind!"
Yuu stared at you in shock and so did mika.

She took a hold of her chin and repeated what she had told you few years back while you were still training

"Pick and choose your Battles"

She let go
"From young age we were always thought who the bad guy is, waht good and evil is..the only difference is who told us that story. If you knew what I went through you wouldn't complain. I was living in the underground city, rased to despise and obey the higher kind. But look at me now,I am what I used to hate the most. And I have no regrets what so ever." You turned your back on them as soildgers closed in throwing your old teammates in chains.

Ferid rushed to your side the next moment checking you for induries silently. You stood by his side
"Call me a monster I'd you wish, hell tell me your sad story how your family left you. But I lost everything , and now I have what I wished for. I have a home and I am loyal to the queen "
Ferid placed a hand on your shoulder with a smirk
"I knew you would come around love" he told you
Yoichi struggled against the soildgers grip
"This is not y/n!! You would never turn your back on us!"

"You left me to die! I fought by your side and when I was captured none of you blinked twice!! I was left to rot you be drained dry!" You snapped.
"But it's alright.. because I won't do that, I owe yuu that much. I owe Mika that much. As for the rest..thank you for showing your real faces"
She turned to face ferid.

"The difference between good and evil is who is telling the story" he said putting an arm around your waist

A week had passed since the team has been kept in the underground city, you would occasionally walk down to see what's going on.
All of them seem so frightened, so weak. So out of power.
Yuu wasn't with them. He was with Mika arguing to escape. Everything came full circle.
As y/n stared out of the window ferid came behind her. He handed you a cup of tea and kissed her cheek.
"You seem upset" he said and sat down next to her

Y/n let out a sigh "how could I not be? I betrayed people that protected me when I needed it the most, I let everyone down. Just for the sake of proving I'm loyal to the vampires." She took a sip out of her drink
"I fear I made a bad choise..I don't want to be the traidor, I want to live a normal life.. with you by my side. I just wish..things were different"

"Y/n.." ferid whispered and placed his hand over hers in a gentle manner "listen to me, I will never leave your side." He smiled "humans are like that, they always blame each other for their mistakes amd it will never change,but thats how it was for so many years"
He pulled you closer to him kissing you lovingly
"Kruly has a surprise for you~" he sang with his usual smirk

Hello my lovely readers, here it is, another chapter of this twisted love story^^ hope you enjoyed, I will be bringing this book to life once again I swear no more breaks like this
Stay safe and have a amazing day~~~

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