Good Love, Gone Bad

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Just then several of Dev's friends came up complaining that they were missing the host and started ushering him inside the bar. She started to turn away dejectedly, when she saw Dev's face, wanting to say something to her and clearly unwilling to finish this conversation and let her go away. She nodded to him imperceptibly that she would wait for him to return............

Sona watched him go in and get swallowed in the group.

Sona (thinking) "Dear God, what just happened? Did I just understand what he wanted to say by looking at his eyes? And what on earth happened to all the points I had made about what to say to him? What was I saying sorry to him for? Really Sona? Is that the only pride you have left? For God's sake Sona, the guy kicked you out of his house." But at the same time another small voice spoke in her head, " But he is the father of my child. And that look- that shuttered look—I know it—it means he is hurt and unable to deal with it."

Wearily, she bowed her head in confusion and determinedly started checking up her emails and messages on her telephone. The very first message was from her father cheering her on her mission to avenge her humiliation—it made her feel sick.

Sona: " Oh no. Baba I am sorry I failed you. I will try and control my reactions from now" but again there was a small voice in her head, "But I don't want to hurt him unnecessarily."

Sona (thinking).." I wish I knew what is the perfect thing to say to Dev in these circumstances. I wish I did not feel" She glanced at him again through the doors and saw a woman who had her hand on his arm, speaking to him. She turned away quickly." Since when has Dev become friends with women who held his arm like that? Like what Sona? Its only a friendly touch. No.... it not .... It is a familiar touch. Anyway what do I care ? He can hold hands with all the women in the room now, cant he?" She felt wretched, not knowing what to do. And there popped in her mind what she had told him many years ago when he had asked her the same question "Follow your heart".

It was quite chilly and she wrapped her saree around her shoulders. As she started replying to her VMs , she noticed that the man who had earlier spoken to her at Dev's party was standing by. She smiled politely and exchanged a hello. The man sat down and perforce so did she. He was a pleasant guy, a publisher and knew Dev professionally only. He had recognized her from a book launch. Very soon they were joined by another of the party inside and then another.

And that is how Dev found them, three of his friends abandoning his party because they found the mysterious woman they had been admiring from afar, irresistible. He felt like kicking them out immediately. He watched Sonakshi , listening to them with a slight smile, not really participating but confident in her own skin. Should he feel like kicking these men out? What is a separated husband supposed to feel, he wondered? Surely not the way he was feeling, drawn towards her, hurriedly ending his own party because he felt suffocated, and, because she was waiting for him.

Dev after sending his friends off for dinner, ushered Sona down to the garden , to escape any more guests wanting to find their way to them. Just then Sonakshi received a call from her office regarding some urgent matter . They resumed walking

Dev: " So I hear you have become quite the hot-shot doctor."

Sona: " Hot-shot? Hardly."

Dev: " Since when did you become modest? "

Sona: " did you found out about my work?." A tiny bubble of happiness grew inside her that he had followed her career.

Truly, Madly, Deeply- a Devakshi story.Where stories live. Discover now