The trust I gained and the trust I lost

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Thousand Sunny

It seems that ever since that incident, the crew has decided to trust me. Somehow, saving their idiot captain's ass was enough to erase their suspicions. My inital suspicion that Luffy knows who I am was gone now, too.

I sat on the crow's nest, a pencil in my hand and a sketchpad on my lap. It was the only thing asides from training that I was allowed to do back at Dr. Vegapunk's lab in Impel Down. Over the years, the practice had made my skills more refined. At some point when I ran away from the marines, I used to sell paintings for a living. It would earn me enough for a month and then I'd sail again over to the next town.

I stared at the drawing on my lap. I vividly remembered his features. The way he always seems serious, bored, and uninterested at the same time etched on his face, but his eyes always held some hint of  curiousity. His tanned skin, his chiseled cheekbones...

"TENSHI!!!" Luffy called. I jumped in surprise and quickly covered the drawing with one I made earlier. It was the Strawhat Pirates, grinning happily with the Thousand Sunny behind them. I'd say I did a good work myself.

I sighed. I looked at the captain questioningly, my eyes relaying the mental question of, 'what the fuck do you want so bad that you made me nearly jump out of my skin?'

"Sanji told me I won't have meat until I bring you with me!" he beamed at me. Sigh. What does Sanji put in the meat? This guy's got a terrible addiction to it. I wonder if Nami considers putting the captain under rehabilitation. His addiction to meat must take a heavy blow on their budget.

I nodded and blew away the dust settling onto the drawing. Luffy noticed it and snatched the drawing from me.

"Woah! SO COOL!!! TENSHI! BE MY NAKAMA!" he said, jumping up and down excitedly. I gasped and tried to take the drawing back from him, but he was a rubber man so he simply stretched his hands out of arm's reach. Or rather, my arm's reach. The movement caused my sketchpad to fall, revealing my latest drawing. Luffy examined it for a while.

"Hmmm. Who's that?" he asked.

I shrugged, as if to say 'Oh just no one. Maybe perhaps that's the guy I always wanted to be with, but hey, maybe it's just a totally random stranger!'.

"He looks familiar. I think I know him," he said. There's a high chance he does. I merely shrugged his comment off.

I stuffed my things into my bag, but I couldn't get the sketch in Luffy's hands even though his hands were at his side. I couldn't touch him because he's a Devil Fruit user. He'd definitely know something's wrong with me since I would drain away all his energy by mere touch.

I raised my hands in defeat and headed down to the deck, knowing Luffy would surely follow due to the promise of meat.

We entered the dining area with Luffy still nagging me to join the crew. I sweatdrop. This guy's really persistent, isn't he?

"TENSHI! JOIN OUR CREW ALREADY! BE MY NAKAMA!!!" he yelled. The others looked in our direction, surprised to see the freeloader being nagged by the captain to join the crew, maybe. Or maybe they're simply surprised that Luffy hasn't attacked the food in front of him.

I sighed and picked up some food, mainly bread, then placed it on the food elevator.

"Luffy, you want him to join so badly that you're forgetting all the meat in front of you?" Nami teased.

"Ah? MEAT!!!" he snapped out of his be-my-nakama mode and started to attack the meat in front of him with only one hand. The other hand still clutched the drawing, which he now deemed necessary to show everyone.

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