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Thousand Sunny

I sat on the plush couch that leaned against the glass of the aquarium, trying to entertain myself with the fishes that Luffy and the others had caught earlier this week. My mind once again was running on different thoughts about this island. My brain has been working nonestop ever since I woke up this morning. I think I deserve an award. Maybe I should get a medal on 'most hardworking brain' or something.Pfft. Meh.

I ran my hand through the glass, calculating the possibility of me being forced to go on the island then surprise the crew by suddenly going berserk. I can't guarantee their safety around me. I should probably just camp out here for a while. Besides, the cool temperature of the aquarium takes off some of the heat radiating from the burning sea.

My stomach grumbled. Well, I should probably head up first to stock on food. I assume this trip is gonna be a while. Thinking back, I realized I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet. I was too busy getting angry at Zoro to even notice that simple fact.

I headed upstairs, finding the rest of the crew still there gazing at the burning island. I joined them, standing beside Nami by the railings.

"I'm pretty sure he said it was 'cold'" Nami said. She sighed, then let her head rest on her palms, her elbows resting on the wooden rail. I tapped her shoulder, catching her attention and startling her a bit. Sorry, Nami, I didn't mean to startle you, I thought. I pointed to the sky a bit behind the burning lands.

Nami's gaze followed my finger, looking up to the dark clouds spewing out little specks of snow from behind the burning lands. She blinked twice, not seeming to believe what she was seeing.

"Eh? Those are snow clouds. How come there are snow clouds in there?" she asked

I shrugged. I honestly don't know the answer. The others seemed to perk up to our conversation as Nami commented on why there were snow clouds not too distant from the burning land. 

Just then, my stomach chose this perfect opportunity to growl.

I blushed in embarrasment. I had meant to ask Sanji if he could whip up some food for me, but somehow forgot. Luckily, they can't see me blush because of the mask that covers my face. If I hadn't been wearing a mask right now, I'd probably be hiding behind Nami out of embarrasment.

Sanji chuckled when he heard my stomach growl. "I take it you're hungry?", he said, starting to walk to the kitchen, not even bothering for my reply.

Brook took a sip of his tea, then his eyes -or the lack of it- stared into mine, his skull slightly tilted to the side. "Come to think of it, Tenshi-san, you didn't get your food earlier at breakfast" Brook stated, setting his tea cup down beside him on the bench connected to the main mast.

"Eh? Tenshi, you gotta eat! You'll get sick if you don't!" Chopper exclaimed, fussing on and on about how I should take care of my health. I merely shrugged. How can I eat breakfast when Zoro stares daggers at me everytime I get on his vicinity? I can't possibly enter the kitchen without him noticing.

"Oi, Tenshi! You better eat! Pay attention to your health, baka!" Chopper yelled in my ear. I was pretty annoyed that someone yelled at my ear, but being with this crew for weeks has made me quite immune to it. Afterall, you have to yell at the captain to get him to listen. I waved my hand off. Fine, fine, whatever you say, doctor.

"Well, you better not leave any leftovers. I'm making you a big meal since you didn't eat breakfast. And I'll be preparing something special for Nami-chan too!" he said, reaching the entrance to the kitchen. His eyes turned visibly into hearts at the mention of making Nami's food. Pfft. This guy's a bit hopeless romantic, isn't he? Finally he closed the door and worked in the kitchen.

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