Hijacked by a Birdwoman

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The remaining Strawhats

Thousand Sunny

Nami sat by the picnic table, lazily stirring the drink on her hand. Her mind keeps running on theories as to why an unnatural phenomenon as having snow clouds near a burning island. The air rising from the island would be too hot, so why are there snow clouds? Unless, of course...

No, there can't possibly be a snowy mountain on the other side, she thought. Then again, this is the New World. Anything can happen and literally, nothing is impossible.

She sighed. Grabbing the binoculars that Usopp left behind, she look towards the island.

"One half is burning hot and the other is freezing cold. I wonder why" she thought out loud.

"I hope Luffy and the others are not melting" a sweat-covered Chopper said, taking a lick from the ice cream Sanji made for him earlier. Nami only nodded in response.

She continued to peer at the island through the binoculars.


She heard an explosion from the island. "Huh? What was that?" she wondered.

Deep breaths, Nami. You'll find out soon enough, she thought. She took a deep breath in...

and started to get drowsy.

Huh? Why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden? she thought out loud, leaning at the railings for support. Her vision was getting blurry, and she could hardly make out the others on the deck. She felt her conciousness slowly slipping away from her.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Chopper asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I feel faint..." then Nami collapsed.

"I feel lightheaded...Maybe this is what they call a heatstroke..." Brook stated before falling asleep, his tea suddenly forgotten.

Franky started to feel dizzy, too. "Is this what they call...de-cola-ration?" he asked, much to Chopper's surprise. Eh? What's happening? Chopper thought. Franky leaned on the railing, slowly slumping down into slumber.

"Y-you guys?" Chopper tentatively called out. He took a breath...then felt dizzy. "Oh? I'm losing it too..."


Kitchen, Thousand Sunny

The plates tinkled a bit when I carried them over to the elevator. Tenshi's most probably in the Aquarium Bar right now.

"Oi, Tenshi! The food will be down in a minute!" I called out through the elevator. I'm pretty sure he heard that, considering that the ship was quite right now. Wait, the ship is quiet?! That's weird.

I merely shrugged off the thought and proceeded to gather my dear sweet Nami-san's snack. Nami-san will probably be blushing then thank me for being such a great cook and gentleman then she'll say that I'm the best and finally confess that she loves me!

My heart thumped loudly in my chest. I shook my head, putting away those images for later. Now is not the time for daydreaming. Nami-san is probably hungry now.


I walked out into the deck...

"This time I made a cold crepe with the Giant Shellfish that Tenshi caught the other day! It'll pair nicely with the champagne...huh?"

I was astonished by the sight of my sleeping nakama. Huh? Why is everyone sleeping? Chopper, Franky, and Brook should be messing around while Nami-san should be yel- i mean, disciplining them.

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