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Trafalgar Law

Punk Hazard Laboratory #3 main entrance

Thump. Thump.

Slow steady footsteps echoed down the hall as the raven-haired Shichibukai walked towards the main entrance of Punk Hazard's third laboratory, the only laboratory in the facility that survived after the horror unleashed years ago. An explosion resonated from the thick steel doors that were closed by the entrance, alerting him that his enemy-no, his victims- have already arrived this far, firing canons at the main door trying to get inside, which proved futile. The doors didn't budge a single inch, all thanks to the genius of the previous lab owner Vegapunk.

His lips curled into a small sly smirk as he thought of ways to torment his victims. No, he wouldn't kill them. The blood that would splatter would be too messy for him to clean up after. I'm just going to make an artwork out of their body parts, after I chop them up, of course, he  thought.

Finally, he approached the large steel doors, opening it wide enough for him to pass through with ease. Slowly he emerged towards the entrance, exposing his chiseled features for all of his victims to behold.

"T-T-Trafalgar L-Law?!" a low ranking officer stuttered. Mentally, he rolled his eyes. Who else? he thought.

"H-He's the man behind the incident at the port!!" another one stuttered. More cries of disbelief and shock soon followed. Law lowered his head, hiding his smirk behind the shadow of his furry hat.


"He sent a hundred beating pirates' hearts at one of the headquarters in exchange of being a Shichibukai!"


Tashigi gripped the hilt of her katana. That despicable man...she grit her teeth at the thought. "Trafalgar Law!"

"Enough!" The silver haired Vice Admiral's voice boomed, silencing all the outcries of his subordinates. "Stand back," he ordered. He lifted his gaze to meet the Shichibukai's cold calculating eyes.

Law's lips slightly curled into a sneer. He folded his arms against his chest and leaned on the thick hunk of steel door on his right. He was slightly amused by the fact that someone as serious as Smoker would beg to be transferred to a bunch of rowdy misplaced low-ranking marines.

"Whitechase-ya, what are you doing here in my vacation house?"


Building B, Punk Hazard Laboratory

beep. beep.

The soft, steady mechanical beeping slowly summoned the pink haired human weapon from her quick, deep slumber. She opened her eyes, only to close them again as she was blinded by the light directed to her eyes. She groaned. She remembered everything that happened beforehand- the birdwoman, the familiar yet unknown mad scientist, and Law. What have I done? Law, I'm sorry! she thought, panicking. She remembered the stony, disapproving glance that he gave her, and it seems like a part of her was broken.


The machine's beeping came to an erratic point, alerting the pale-faced mad scientist that his "experiment" has come back to the world of the living. His dark purple lips curled into a sneer.

"Ah, Tenshi. So nice of you to wake up in time for the show. Shirororo!" gleefully, he sneered, turning off the light he aimed at her face.

"Who are you? Why do you know me?" she huffed, her voice a little hoarse with her throat completely dry. She remembered he injected her with something. Something that brought her pain. Something that brought her to misery. It felt like her insides were burnt with cold, then torn to shreds before getting scrambled then sewed up in all the wrong places.

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