Chapter 1: The Beginning

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There he was, playing cheerfully, running away from his friends. He ran, and ran, looking behind to see his friends desperately trying to catch up with him, and laughed seeing that how their tiny legs gave up trying. He wanted to stop and run back to them, their exhaustion informing him about his victory. A victorious smile made its way to his lips, but all he wanted to do was run; he could go to them later. He heard their fading voices calling out for him, telling him he wasn't allowed in the area, but he didn't care. He was now hearing the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and that was the warning; a warning not to go near sea. The voice of his mother echoed in his head, warning him not to go near the sea, as he recalled how she never allowed him to go farther whenever they started to hear the sound of waves. She used to scare him from the pirates, and he would then follow her home, but today it was different. He had never seen the sea in his life, and he was unbelievably brave today with nothing holding him back. 'I want to see it for once... Just once,' and there he was in front of the sea.

He was going nearer and nearer, and without realizing his feet were caught in the waves. He was strong, but the waves were stronger, and he was pulled inside. At that moment he questioned himself that why did he even come to see the sea, and closed his eyes preparing himself for the worst. There were no pirates, but he could die because of his silly mistake, which was none other than an innocent desire to explore. He held his breath to the point he forgot to breath and opened his eyes. In the flash of a second, he saw someone coming towards him; someone he never saw before; someone whose presence he didn't believe in. There she was in front of him, holding him by the hands, ascending from the depths. And then..

"Heeeeree I am, juuusst foooooorr yyouuuu~" The annoying voice of his friend rang through his ears, as he buried his face in his pillow.

"Aaaaahh! Not again!" He said getting annoyed, as his friend let out a laughter he was controlling, telling him that he succeeded in the mission of annoying the sleeping prince, and waking him up from his dreamland.

To an extent, the sleeping prince was glad that he woke up, as he wanted to get up from the dream. He removed the pillow from his face, welcoming the feel of the warm sunlight against his skin, as aroma of the freshly prepared breakfast surrounded him.

"Wake up Prince Jinyoung~" And there went his hard-earned moment of peace away.

"Yes, getting up Dad, or should I say Mom," Jinyoung said in a sarcastic manner, and he got what he needed. Jaebum was annoyed, and he could tell without looking at him.

"Who says only you can annoy me?" Jinyoung said getting up from the bed, and making his way towards the kitchen, attached with the living room. He jumped on the seat near the kitchen counter.

"Who invited you to eat?" Jaebum said while setting the dishes on the counter.

"The house owner (referring to himself)," Jinyoung said giving the elder his signature smirk.

Jaebum sighed, "Yes yes~ Mr. Owner, you weren't being less rude even if you didn't say it."

Jinyoung chuckled lightly. "Well it surely requires a special effort for you to sing in an annoying tone," he said jokingly, and patted Jaebum's shoulder earning him a small laughter from the latter. He knew Jaebum had a nice voice—just like a pro vocalist—but sometimes he intentionally sang in an annoying manner to wake Jinyoung up.

Jinyoung said further to annoy him intentionally, "Seriously that tone should be registered as Korea's national alarm tone." And then their light argument continued. This was their light routine-bickering that made their presence known in the house.

"By the way hyung," Jinyoung said after the breakfast, "it's the second time I saw that dream."

Jaebum stopped what he was doing and looked at Jinyoung, "You mean, the one about the mermaid?"

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