Chapter Six

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Returning from inspection, Li Hua praised Dong Hua for his choice in locations. Going back on her thought of the mortal palace, Li Hua keep all three as a precaution. After the meal prepared from Feng Jiu, Li Hua said her farewells and left for Qing Qiu. Arriving she was greeted by Ming Gu once again only to be led to the Fox den to be welcomed by the Fox King and Queen.

"I greet Fox King and Queen, I'm honoured to be in the presence of both the Fox King and Queen. I'm called Li Hua, Dong Hua Di Jun's younger sibling. Pleased to meet you." Bowing respectfully as can be, Li Hua stood up again and smiled.

Fox queen smiled satisfied about the respectfuliness. Not caring for etiquette, the Fox queen walked towards Li Hua and stated that strict etiquette isn't considerably used in Qing Qiu. Thus allowing Li Hua to be at ease. Thanking the queen for her kindness, Li Hua turned towards the Fox king,

"I've long heard of the Fox king and his mighty love battle. I've admired your love with the queen. As only true men will fight for love." Li Hua slyly flattered the Fox king.

" *Laughs heartily* This child knows honey words. Nonetheless we welcome you to Qing Qiu, don't hesitate to ask if you have any question." Stroking his beard the Fox king excused himself and left to attend matters. Left with the Fox queen, Li Hua and the Fox Queen talked about the scenic places within Qing Qiu.

"It's late now, I mustn't impose any longer. When I settled down properly I'll hold a banquet."

"I look forward to it." The fox queen said.

Smiling Li Hua left the den and left towards Hua Forest. Entering she started to clear multiple of paths leading either deeper into other parts of the forest or out of it. Making the path towards her manor seem desolate, she smiled with a slighty wicked glint in her eyes.
'Whoever dares to enter this forest shall be lost.' Chuckling Li Hua continued to Pure Lake. Staring at the calmness of the body of water Li Hua released the two koi fish gifted by Dong Hua.

"We are living here now, don't worry ah. I'll be being more to accompany. Maybe soon you'll be able to gain human form." Talking to the pair of fishes Li Hua stepped on the shore causing the bridge to appear.

Seemingly tired, Li Hua lazily walked across. Yet if a person were to closely examine her actions, one would notice multiples of glowing pearl size balls dropping into the lake. As they made contacted with the lake's water, the glowing balls grew in size. The glowing balls was now comparable to a rock around the size of a human's head. The balls not only didn't sink but they started to form a outlining of the bridge. As Li Hua touched the manor's soil the bridge sunk back into its place. Yet the balls were unaffected by the waves, as if the balls were mounted onto a rock the balls submerged.

As if staring at a painting, the glowing rock size balls illuminated the dark body of water giving off a welcoming aura. Li Hua didn't rest at all instead she began to create her three tier pool. After the structure was created she started to infuse her magic into the buckets and used them to carry Pure Lake water into the tier pool. Dropping her blood into the pool her magic infused with the structure and water allowing the tier pool to start it's process.

Walking towards the water Li Hua eyed the two koi fish,

"Hurry up and create kids. My tier pool would be useless if it does have any." Sulking for the fact that her tier pool would be incomplete until the two mate.

Turning towards the large empty place, Li Hua touched the ground and grass begun to sprung out of the soil. Laughing, Li Hua pondered what to grow next. Snapping her fingers she went towards the inner part of the manor where an empty place could be create into a garden laid barren.
Repeating the same actions Li Hua proceed to grow at the center of the newly created garden a wisteria tree. The tree kept on grow until it stood at an impeccable height! Smiling, Li Hua surrounded the tree with gardenias. Completing the landscape Li Hua was only in need of furniture. Keeping in mind that she still had a bed full of grass in front of her manor. Li Hua left to complete her landscaping. After hours of arrangements Li Hua was somewhat satisfied. Looking at the scene, only the tier pool and a few flower beds of gardenias were founded. Sighing she gave up and gone to rid of her sweat and tiredness.

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