Where Are You?

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         Prologue ~

Today, was my best friend's wedding. MashAllah she looked really gorgeous and she was also extremely happy. I guess you would too if you got married to your childhood crush. Her wedding was grand and there were lots of food and drinks. The local hall was transformed into something truly magical and romantic. The less fortunate were also invited to celebrate with us in this joyous day; this was very thoughtful of Muna because she was the one who insisted on inviting all of them. But most importantly, it was sadaqah on her part and inshAllah, Allah will bless her marriage.

I sighed. I can't wait to find my prince too, get married and live happily in love.

In my community girls get marriage proposals by the age of fifteen. Marriage makes us complete half our deen, plus the elders say getting married while you're young is the best. I agree, it's halal compared to dating and all those haraam stuff people do nowadays.

Oh Allah, please make my future husband someone who is steadfast in his deen.

I can't wait to recite Quran with him, waking him up for prayers, joking with him, make him laugh. Oh Allah give me someone who practices Islam and also has a beautiful personality, InshAllah.

Dear future husband, I love you with all my heart.

I truly love you.

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