f o r t y - t h r e e

93 8 0

June 19th, 2015

I've been going to the park more often. I tell myself it's not because I want to see Niall, but I know I'm lying.

I've offered to take Carson to the park today, since Mom seems really stressed, and she said that sounds wonderful. I can't believe I offered to take Carson. I mean, he's annoying!

Whatever. If I get to see Niall, it's all worth it.

Oh, great, here come the pills. I'll have to continue this later. I can't think straight under the influence of the pills.


He was there. Niall was actually there this time! He was sitting under the big willow tree, just looking around the park. I vaguely remember us talking, and then I pulled up his sleeves.

He does cut, but, I'M SUCH AN IDIOT! You don't just do that to people! These pills are horrible.

I said I'd come back soon. Well, I told Carson that. But Niall was listening, I could tell.

The thing is, Mom said no. Apparently we're going on a "vacation" since "it's finally nice outside." I don't want to go on a vacation.

I'll think of a way out of this.


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