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Yuri was now in her new apartment, and it was already Monday morning, she was getting up to get ready for another week of school.

An hour later she went out with her headphone plugged in her ears. She was quietly walking to school.

"Isn't that Yuri?" Minah asked Bora, they were also walking to school.

"Yeah it's her." said Bora "Yuri, what's up?" said Bora as she went beside her and Minah followed her.

"Oh hi." she smiled as she saw them.

"What's up?" asked once more Bora.

"Well we are walking to school." she chuckled.

"True that, but what did you do during the weekend?" asked Minah.

"Oh well I moved into my own apartment and I'm Jen's my neighbour, isn't it funny?" she said.

"For real? That's nice, but why did you moved out of your house?" asked Bora.

"Well we're about 5 in the house and I can't really sleep, my powers are increasing and I can hear their thoughts if they are close to me." she answered .

"So you can hear what I'm thinking... What am I thinking about?" asked Bora.

"Kimchi fried rice." answered Yuri.

"Woah, so you don't need to look at us to read our thoughts... You can just hear us." said Minah.

"Yeah, but it's not as nice as you think," said Yuri "sometimes you absolutely don't want to hear people's thoughts... Trust me." she said in a discussed way and they laughed.

"It must have been hard for you." Said Minah and Yuri shook her head. They continue to talk about their weekend when they got to their class.

Sehun was sitting along with Luhan, Suzy and Baekhyun, they were the only one in class for now.


'Why is she taking so long...' tought Chanyeol waiting outside Jen's apartment. He looked at his watch and it was 7:45.

'Maybe she's still sleeping... After all, school is right beside.' He thought and sat on her door.

After 10 minutes the door unlocked and Chanyeol heard Jen's voice and someone else's, a guy's voice.

"So what are you going to do today?" Asked Jen.

"I'll go to the company's building and stroll around the neighbourhood." the unknown guy said.

"Shoot, I only have one key, I never thought of doing another one. Here, since you might comeback earlier take it." Said Jen giving her keys.

"At what time do you finish school? and where is it?" He asked her.

"I finish at 4 and it is there streets down, the you turn on the left and if you see the gate with 'X Academy' written on it then it's my school."

"All right then, I will be there around that time." He said and they got out of the apartment. When the door opened Chanyeol fell on the guy.

"Ah, sorry... Is Jen there?" he asked the guy and he nodded and pointed behind.

"Yes I'm here." She said "You were waiting for me?" she asked and Chanyeol nodded scratching the back of his head.

"Ookay, I'll get going then, see you later Jen." said Barom to Jen as he walked down the stairs and Chanyeol just looked at him without moving.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." She said and he came back to his senses. They made their way to the elevator and walked down to their school.

"Who was that guy?" he asked her.

"He's my friend." she replied, but Chanyeol wanted to know more about it "How's Jungkook doing?" she asked.

"Good I brought him to the kindergarten earlier." he said and she nodded.

They didn't talk much while walking to their school, once they got there was quite a few students, most of them were from higher classes of course.

"Ugh..." she sighed and vanished.

"I don't think it's working well." said Chanyeol looking at her.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well we can still see your backpack." he said.

"Ah shit." she murmured and went back to normal.

"Why do you want to hide?" he asked her.

"I hate all of them." she answered and hurried to get to the class and sat down unpacking.

"Why? What happened?" asked Chanyeol as he sat beside her.

"Nothing." she replied obviously not wanting to say any more word.

The bell suddenly rang announcing the start of the class and Mrs. Song came in.

"Good morning class, I hope that you are all doing well! So according to the projects you gave in last week you all did very good and that is good sign. Since the average of the class is 78 now we will change classroom with the class D who got 76." said Mrs. Song as soon as she came in the class.

"When are we changing classrooms?!" asked Tao, Minah, Kai and Baekhyun in sync.

"Right now so pack everything and let's go!" she said as she opened the door. We walked towards the class E and the students followed her. As soon as they came in the saw better seats, desks and windows.

"It's much cleaner than the other class." said Mrs. Song as she looked around and the students sat down.

"So I hope you all know that you can all succeed and get to the class A right? You all have the capacity as a group and as a person. So believe in yourselves. Oh! I almost forgot the talismans!" she said and she left to go get the talismans in the other class.

The class F now class D had hopes, and believed they can get to class A before the end of the year.

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