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"GET BACK HERE!" A guy with a mask was chasing Minah.

"I DON'T KNOW YOU! GET AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled back.

-A Few Hours Earlier-

"Minah do you think this dress make me look fat?" Julie asked. Minah looked up from her iPhone to look at her best friend Julie.

"Yes! you look like a dinosaur." Minah said as a joke.

"Hahaha very funny." Julie said sarcastically.

"Well you know me, I don't like shopping." Minah said crossing her legs.

"Well tell me if I look fat in it and after we can go and buy ice cream; my treat." Julie said.

"It look good on you and no, you don't look fat wearing that dress." Minah said. Julie nodded satisfy with Minah's answer. After Julie bought her dress. Both of them went to the ice scream shop. They ordered and Julie paid. They got their ice cream and they sat next to the window. After they finish, they got out of the ice cream shop and walk back to the car.

"Hey what's this?" Julie asked.

"What's what?" Minah questioned.

"This." Julie showed her a big diamond.

"Holy cow! Is that a diamond!?" Minah asked while took it from Julie's hand.

"I think it is..." they both look closely.

"HEY! YOU BITCH THAT'S MINE!" A guy with a mask ran towards them.

"JULIE GET IN THE CAR" Minah yelled while running for her life with the diamond in her hand.

"MINAH GET IN THE CAR!" Julie said.

"JUST GO WITHOUT ME! CALL THE POPO AND I'LL JOIN YOU AT THE POPO STATION!" Minah exclaimed. Julie nodded and drove full speed at the police station. 'Please don't let me die' she prayed. She look behind and the man was still chasing her.


She turned to a corner and ran to a dead end.

"NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE IN A DEAD ALLEY, it's so cliché, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" She banged the wall. The man walked toward her slowly.

"If you don't want to die, give me the diamond." The mask man said.

"NO! I know how it works, if I don't give it to you, you'll kill me but if I'll give it to you, you'll still kill me, so it not a win win for me man." She said logically.

"You're a clever little girls, you know that?" the man remarked.

"I get that a lot." She said proudly.

"Anyways... HELP I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE, like I said before, I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE" Minah screamed while banging the wall. With all her force she passed through the wall. 'Holy Moly! How did I do that?' She though while freaking out at the same time.

"MINAH YOU'RE ALIVE!" Julie said with glee.

"Where are we?" Minah asked.

"We're at the police station." Julie said while hugging her.

"REALLY? Eum, police, sir, the man with a mask is at the corner at the alley." Minah said quickly.

"I will go and take him right now." The officer said, the officers went and after a few minute, the policeman is back with the man with a mask handcuffed behind.


"Sure buddy." the policeman said. Minah and Julie waved at the man while trying not to laughed.

"Miss Kim." the policeman said.

"The man stole 150,000,000₩ and a diamond, is that true?" the officer interrogated them.

"Well I don't know about the 150,000,000₩ but he definitely stole a big diamond." Minah answer while take the diamond from her pocket and gave it to the officer. The policeman nodded and took the diamond. Minah and Julie stayed there and answered some question. A few hours later, the policeman drove Minah home and Julie drove herself home. Minah thanked the officer and entered home safely.

"Hallelujah I'm home!" Minah exclaimed.

"How was the shopping with Julie?" Her mom asked.

"It was fine, nothing really exciting and scary happened." Minah said like nothing had happened.

"Okay sweetie, I'm glad that you're home safe." Her mom informed.

"Me too." She murmured while walking upstairs. She went to her room and unpacked her backpack and saw a folder.

"What's this?" She whispered. She opened it and read it. After finishing reading it she was clueless.

'Powers? What po- Wait, was it when I went through the wall?...' she thought and she was right. She couldn't believe what she was reading, so she wanted to test her power again. She got out of her room and locked it after she went to the bathroom next to her room and locked the door behind her. She put her hand on the wall on the direction of her room. 'Okay, on a count of three.' She thought.

"1, 2, 3" She counted and push her hand through the wall.

"No way." She said not believing what is she doing. She pull her hand out of the wall. 'This is unbelievable, maybe l'll do one more time before I freak out.' She put her head on the wall and closed her eyes. Minah pushed and passed right through it. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in her room but realized only the head passed through, she push herself and fell on the floor.

"That was awesome!" She exclaimed.

"Minah are you in the bathroom?" her little sister asked.

"Yes just a minute." Minah answered.

"Okay but hurry up I need to pee." Her sister whined. Minah walks trough the wall of the bathroom and unlock the door to let her little sister in.

"Supper is ready!" Their mom yelled.

Minah went downstairs and sat next to her dad.

"Any news you guys want to tell me." their dad asked.

"I lost my two front teeth" Minah's little sister said happily.

"That's great sweetheart, you're all grown up right now" Their dad smile proudly.

"I got accepted to a great school." Minah announced.

"Really? What the name of the school?" Their mom asked.

"Eum, X Academy, I think" Minah said.

"Really, never heard of it." Their dad said.

"It is a once in a lifetime chance, please can I go." Minah begged.

"Let me think" Their dad said.

"Honey, let her go, I think it is a great opportunity for her." Their mom encourage her husband.

"Fine you can go but no more joking and pranking around, got it, I don't want you to get suspended." Mianh's sad ordered.

"No promises but I'll try for your sake." Minah grinned ear to ear.

After supper, Minah went to her room and try to opened the door. Minah forgot that she lock the door. 'fudge I lock the door... wait my power' She passed her hand through the door and unlock it. 'I can get use to this' she thought and sat on the chair and started doing her homework.

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